Mail::Box::Message::Dummy - a placeholder for a missing message in a list.


is a Mail::Box::Message
is a Mail::Message + ::Construct
is a Mail::Reporter



Read Mail::Box-Overview first.

Dummy messages are used by modules which maintain ordered lists of messages, usually based on message-id. A good example is Mail::Box::Thread::Manager, which detects related messages by scanning the known message headers for references to other messages. As long as the referenced messages are not found inside the mailbox, their place is occupied by a dummy.

Be careful when using modules which may create dummies. Before trying to access the header or body use isDummy() to check if the message is a dummy message.


Methods prefixed with an abbreviation are described in Mail::Message (MM), Mail::Reporter (MR), Mail::Box::Message (MBM), Mail::Message::Construct (MMC).

The general methods for Mail::Box::Message::Dummy objects:

 MM bcc                               MM label LABEL [,VALUE [LABEL,...
MMC bounce OPTIONS                    MR log [LEVEL [,STRINGS]]
MMC build [MESSAGE|BODY], CONTENT     MM messageId
MMC buildFromBody BODY, HEADERS       MM modified [BOOL]
 MM cc                               MBM new OPTIONS
MBM copyTo FOLDER                     MM nrLines
 MM date                              MM parent
 MM decoded OPTIONS                   MM parts
MBM delete                            MM print [FILEHANDLE]
MBM deleted [BOOL]                    MM printUndisclosed [FILEHANDLE]
 MM destinations                     MMC reply OPTIONS
 MM encode OPTIONS                   MMC replyPrelude [STRING|FIELD|...
 MR errors                           MMC replySubject STRING
MBM folder [FOLDER]                   MR report [LEVEL]
MMC forward OPTIONS                   MR reportAll [LEVEL]
MMC forwardPostlude                   MM send [MAILER], OPTIONS
MMC forwardPrelude                   MBM seqnr [INTEGER]
MMC forwardSubject STRING            MBM shortString
 MM from                              MM size
 MM get FIELD                         MM subject
 MM guessTimestamp                    MM timestamp
 MM isDummy                           MM to
 MM isMultipart                       MM toplevel
 MM isPart                            MR trace [LEVEL]

The extra methods for extension writers:

 MR AUTOLOAD                          MM labelsToStatus
 MM DESTROY                           MR logPriority LEVEL
 MM body [BODY]                       MR logSettings
 MM clone                             MR notImplemented
 MM coerce MESSAGE                    MM read PARSER, [BODYTYPE]
MBM diskDelete                       MBM readBody PARSER, HEAD [, BO...
 MM head [HEAD]                       MM readHead PARSER [,CLASS]
 MR inGlobalDestruction               MM statusToLabels
 MM isDelayed                         MM storeBody BODY
 MM labels                            MM takeMessageId [STRING]



(Class method) Create a new dummy message to occupy the space for a real message with the specified MESSAGE-ID.


my $message = Mail::Box::Message::Dummy->new($msgid);
if($message->isDummy) {...}




Mark Overmeer ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This code is beta, version 2.010.

Copyright (c) 2001 Mark Overmeer. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 125:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'