Mail::Box::Net - handle folders which are stored remote.


is a Mail::Box
is a Mail::Reporter


# Do not instantiate this object yourself


This documentation describes how directory organized mailboxes work. Please read Mail::Box-Overview first.

At the moment, this object is extended by

  • MH

  • Maildir


Methods prefixed with an abbreviation are described in Mail::Box (MB), Mail::Reporter (MR).

The general methods for Mail::Box::Net objects:

MB addMessage  MESSAGE               MB messageId MESSAGE-ID [,MESS...
MB addMessages MESSAGE [, MESS...    MB messageIds
MB close OPTIONS                     MB messages ['ALL',RANGE,'ACTI...
MB copyTo FOLDER, OPTIONS            MB modified [BOOLEAN]
MB create FOLDERNAME [, OPTIONS]     MB name
MB current [NUMBER|MESSAGE|MES...       new OPTIONS
MB delete                            MB openSubFolder NAME [,OPTIONS]
MR errors                            MR report [LEVEL]
MB find MESSAGE-ID                   MR reportAll [LEVEL]
MB listSubFolders OPTIONS            MR trace [LEVEL]
MB locker                            MR warnings
MR log [LEVEL [,STRINGS]]            MB writable

The extra methods for extension writers:

MR AUTOLOAD                          MB organization
MB DESTROY                           MB read OPTIONS
MB appendMessages OPTIONS               readAllHeaders
MB clone OPTIONS                     MB readMessages OPTIONS
MB coerce MESSAGE                    MB scanForMessages MESSAGE, ME...
MB determineBodyType MESSAGE, ...    MB sort PREPARE, COMPARE, LIST
MB folderdir [DIR]                   MB storeMessage MESSAGE
MB foundIn [FOLDERNAME], OPTIONS     MB timespan2seconds TIME
MR inGlobalDestruction               MB toBeThreaded MESSAGES
MB lineSeparator [STRING|'CR'|...    MB toBeUnthreaded MESSAGES
MR logPriority LEVEL                 MB update OPTIONS
MR logSettings                       MB updateMessages OPTIONS
MR notImplemented                    MB write OPTIONS
MB openRelatedFolder OPTIONS         MB writeMessages



Create a new folder. The are many options which are taken from other objects. For some, different options are set. For MH-specific options see below, but first the full list.

OPTION            DEFINED BY         DEFAULT
access            Mail::Box          'r'
create            Mail::Box          0
folder            Mail::Box          $ENV{MAIL}
folderdir         Mail::Box          undef
head_wrap         Mail::Box          72
keep_dups         Mail::Box          0
extract           Mail::Box          10kB
lock_type         Mail::Box          'DOTLOCK'
lock_file         Mail::Box          foldername.'/.lock'
lock_timeout      Mail::Box          3600    (1 hour)
lock_wait         Mail::Box          10      (seconds)
log               Mail::Reporter     'WARNINGS'
remove_when_empty Mail::Box          1
save_on_exit      Mail::Box          1
trace             Mail::Reporter     'WARNINGS'
trusted           Mail::Box          <depends on folder location>

Only useful to write extension to Mail::Box::Net. Common users of folders you will not specify these:

OPTION            DEFINED BY         DEFAULT
body_type         Mail::Box::Net     'Mail::Message::Body::Lines'
body_delayed_type Mail::Box          'Mail::Message::Body::Delayed'
coerce_options    Mail::Box          []
field_type        Mail::Box          undef
head_type         Mail::Box          'Mail::Message::Head::Complete'
head_delayed_type Mail::Box          'Mail::Message::Head::Delayed'
locker            Mail::Box          undef
multipart_type    Mail::Box          'Mail::Message::Body::Multipart'
manager           Mail::Box          undef
message_type      Mail::Box          'Mail::Box::Net::Message'
realhead_type     Mail::Box          'Mail::Message::Head'

METHODS for extension writers


Force all messages to be read at least till their header information is known.



For support and additional documentation, see


Mark Overmeer ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This code is beta, version 2.017.

Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Mark Overmeer. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.