use strict;
our $VERSION = 2.019; # Part of Mail::Box
use Carp;
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{mime_type} ||= 'message/rfc822';
my $nested;
if(my $raw = $args->{nested})
{ my $nested = Mail::Message::Part->coerce($raw, $self);
croak 'Data not convertible to a message (type is ', ref $raw,")\n"
unless defined $nested;
my $based = $args->{based_on};
= !$based || defined $nested ? $nested
: $based->isNested ? $based->nested
: undef;
sub isNested() {1}
sub isBinary() {shift->nested->isBinary}
sub clone()
{ my $self = shift;
my $body = ref($self)->new
( $self->logSettings
, based_on => $self
, nested => $self->nested->clone
sub nrLines() { shift->nested->nrLines }
sub size() { shift->nested->size }
sub nested() { shift->{MMBN_nested} }
sub string()
{ my $nested = shift->nested;
defined $nested ? $nested->string : '';
sub lines()
{ my $nested = shift->nested;
defined $nested ? $nested->lines : ();
sub file()
{ my $nested = shift->nested;
defined $nested ? $nested->file : undef;
sub print(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
$self->nested->print(shift || select);
sub forNested($)
{ my ($self, $code) = @_;
my $nested = $self->nested;
my $body = $nested->body;
my $new_body = $code->($self, $body);
return $body if $new_body == $body;
my $new_nested = Mail::Message->new(head => $nested->head->clone);
(ref $self)->new
( based_on => $self
, nested => $new_nested
sub check() { shift->forNested( sub {$_[1]->check} ) }
sub encode(@)
{ my ($self, %args) = @_;
$self->forNested( sub {$_[1]->encode(%args)} );
sub encoded() { shift->forNested( sub {$_[1]->encoded} ) }
sub read($$$$)
{ my ($self, $parser, $head, $bodytype) = @_;
my $raw = Mail::Message->new;
$raw->readFromParser($parser, $bodytype)
or return;
my $cooked = Mail::Message::Part->coerce($raw, $self);
$self->{MMBN_nested} = $cooked;