use strict;
our $VERSION = 2.021; # Part of Mail::Box
use Carp;
# The array is defined as:
# [ $name, $body, $comment, $folded ]
# where folded may not be or undef
sub new($;$$@)
my $class = shift;
my ($name, $body, $comment);
if(@_==2 && ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' && !ref $_[1][0])
{ $name = shift }
elsif(@_>=3) { ($name, $body, $comment) = @_ }
elsif(@_==2) { ($name, $body) = @_ }
elsif(@_==1) { $name = shift }
else { confess }
# Compose the body.
if(!defined $body)
{ # must be one line of a header.
($name, $body) = split /\:\s*/, $name, 2;
{ warn "No colon in headerline: $name\n";
$body = '';
elsif($name =~ m/\:/)
{ warn "A header-name cannot contain a colon in $name\n";
return undef;
if(defined $body && ref $body)
{ # Objects
$body = join ', ',
map {$_->isa('Mail::Address') ? $_->format : "$_"}
(ref $body eq 'ARRAY' ? @$body : $body);
warn "Header-field name contains illegal character: $name\n"
if $name =~ m/[^\041-\176]/;
$body =~ s/\s*\015?\012$//;
# Take the comment.
if(defined $comment && length $comment)
{ # A comment is defined, so shouldn't be in body.
warn "A header-body cannot contain a semi-colon in $body."
if $body =~ m/\;/;
{ # try strip comment from field-body.
($body, $comment) = split /\s*\;\s*/, $body, 2;
# Create the object.
bless [$name, $body, $comment], $class;
sub clone()
{ my $self = shift;
bless [ @$self ], ref $self;
sub name() { lc shift->[0] }
sub body() { shift->[1] }
sub comment(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
@_ ? $self->[2] = shift : $self->[2];
sub content()
{ my $self = shift;
return $self->[1] unless defined $self->[2];
"$self->[1]; $self->[2]";
sub folded(;$)
{ my $self = shift;
{ return unless defined($self->[3] = shift);
return @{$self->[3]};
return @{$self->[3]} if defined $self->[3];
defined $self->[2]
? "$self->[0]: $self->[1]; $self->[2]\n"
: "$self->[0]: $self->[1]\n";
sub newNoCheck($$$;$)
{ my $class = shift;
bless [ @_ ], $class;