Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# Test the reading from file of message bodies which have their content
# stored in a single string.
use strict;
use lib qw(. .. tests);
use Tools;
use Test::More tests => 855;
### First carefully read the first message
my $parser = Mail::Box::Parser::Perl->new(filename => $src);
ok(defined $parser, "creation of parser");
$parser->pushSeparator('From ');
my ($where, $sep) = $parser->readSeparator;
cmp_ok($where, "==", 0, "begin at file-start");
ok(defined $sep, "reading first separator");
like($sep, qr/^From /, "correctness first separator")
if defined $sep;
my $head = Mail::Message::Head->new;
ok(defined $head);
ok(defined $head);
ok($head, "overloaded boolean");
my $hard_coded_lines_msg0 = 33;
my $hard_coded_length_msg0 = 1280;
my $binary_size = $hard_coded_length_msg0
+ ($crlf_platform ? $hard_coded_lines_msg0 : 0);
my $length = int $head->get('Content-Length');
cmp_ok($length, "==", $binary_size, "first message size");
my $lines = int $head->get('Lines');
cmp_ok($lines, "==", $hard_coded_lines_msg0, "first message lines");
my $message; # dummy message, because all delayed objects must have one.
my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Delayed->new(message => \$message);
$body->read($parser, $head, undef, $length, $lines);
ok(defined $body, "reading of first body");
cmp_ok($body->guessSize, "==", $length, "guessed size of body");
# Try to read the rest of the folder, with specified content-length
# and lines if available.
my @msgs;
push @msgs, # first message already read.
{ fields => scalar $head->names
, lines => $hard_coded_lines_msg0
, size => $hard_coded_length_msg0
, sep => $sep
, subject=> $head->get('subject')
{ my ($where, $sep) = $parser->readSeparator;
last unless $sep;
my $count = @msgs;
like($sep, qr/^From /, "1 from $count");
$head = Mail::Message::Head->new;
ok(defined $head, "1 head count");
my $cl = int $head->get('Content-Length');
my $li = int $head->get('Lines');
my $su = $head->get('Subject');
$body = Mail::Message::Body::Delayed->new(message => \$message)
->read($parser, $head, undef, $cl, $li);
ok(defined $body, "1 body $count");
my $size = $body->guessSize;
cmp_ok($cl , "==", $size, "1 size $count")
if defined $cl;
my $msg =
{ size => $size
, fields => scalar $head->names
, sep => $sep
, subject=> $su
push @msgs, $msg;
cmp_ok(@msgs, "==", 45);
### Now read the whole folder again, but without help of content-length
### and nor lines.
undef $parser;
$parser = Mail::Box::Parser::Perl->new(filename => $src);
$parser->pushSeparator('From ');
my $count = 0;
while($sep = $parser->readSeparator)
{ my $msg = $msgs[$count];
like($sep, qr/^From /, "2 from $count");
$head = Mail::Message::Head->new->read($parser);
ok(defined $head, "2 head $count");
$body = Mail::Message::Body::Delayed->new(message => \$message)
->read($parser, $head, undef);
ok(defined $body, "2 body $count");
my $su = $head->get('Subject');
my $size = $body->guessSize;
my $lines = $msg->{lines} = $body->nrLines;
{ ok(1); # too complicated to test
{ cmp_ok($size, "==", $msg->{size}, "2 size $count");
is($su, $msg->{subject}, "2 subject $count")
if defined $su && defined $msg->{subject};
cmp_ok($head->names , "==", $msg->{fields}, "2 names $count");
is($sep, $msg->{sep}, "2 sep $count");
### Now read the whole folder again, but with deceiving values for
### content-length and lines
undef $parser;
$parser = Mail::Box::Parser::Perl->new(filename => $src);
$parser->pushSeparator('From ');
$count = 0;
{ my ($where, $sep) = $parser->readSeparator;
last unless $sep;
my $msg = $msgs[$count];
like($sep, qr/^From /, "3 From $count");
$head = Mail::Message::Head->new->read($parser);
ok(defined $head, "3 Head $count");
$body = Mail::Message::Body::Delayed->new(message => \$message);
$body->read($parser, $head, undef, $msg->{size}-15, $msg->{lines}-3);
ok(defined $body, "3 Body $count");
my $su = $head->get('Subject');
my $size = $body->guessSize;
my $lines = $body->nrLines;
# two messages contain one trailing blank, which is removed because
# of the wrong number of lines. The will have an extra OK.
my $wrong = $count==14 || $count==18;
if($wrong) { ; }
elsif($crlf_platform) { ok(1) } # too hard to test
else { cmp_ok($size, '==', $msg->{size}, "3 size $count") }
cmp_ok($lines, '==', $msg->{lines}, "3 lines $count")
unless $wrong;
is($su, $msg->{subject}, "3 subject $count")
if defined $su && defined $msg->{subject};
cmp_ok($head->names, '==', $msg->{fields}, "3 name $count");
is($sep, $msg->{sep}, "3 sep $count");