Mail::Message::Field::Structured - one line of a structured message header
is a Mail::Message::Field::Full
is a Mail::Message::Field
is a Mail::Reporter
Mail::Message::Field::Structured is extended by
my $f = Mail::Message::Field::Full
->new('Content-Type' => 'text/html');
my @encode = (charset => 'jp', use_continuations => 1);
$f->attribute(filename => 'passwd', @encode);
my $attr = Mail::Message::Field::Attribute->new(...);
overload: ""
overload: +0
overload: <=>
overload: bool
overload: cmp
overload: stringification
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->from(FIELD, OPTIONS)
new LINE
Pass a LINE as it could be found in a file: a (possibly folded) line which is terminated by a new-line.
A set of values which shape the line.
The NAME is a wellformed header name (you may use wellformedName()) to be sure about the casing. The BODY is a string, one object, or an ref-array of objects. In case of objects, they must fit to the constructor of the field: the types which are accepted may differ. The optional ATTRIBUTE list contains Mail::Message::Field::Attribute objects. Finally, there are some OPTIONS.
Option --Defined in --Default
attributes []
charset Mail::Message::Field::Full undef
datum undef
encoding Mail::Message::Field::Full 'q'
force Mail::Message::Field::Full false
language Mail::Message::Field::Full undef
log Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
trace Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
. attributes => ATTRS
There are various ways to specify these attributes: pass a reference to an array which list of key-value pairs representing attributes, or reference to a hash containing these pairs, or an array with Mail::Message::Field::Attribute objects.
. charset => STRING
. datum => STRING
The method name body is very confusing, even in the RFC. In MailBox, for historical reasons, body() returns the past of the field contents before the first semi-colon. foldedBody() and unfoldedBody() address the whole field.
There is no common name for the piece of data before the parameters (attributes) in the field-content mentioned in the RFCs, so let's call it datum.
. encoding => 'q'|'Q'|'b'|'B'
. force => BOOLEAN
. language => STRING
. log => LEVEL
. trace => LEVEL
example: of a structured field
my @attrs = (Mail::Message::Field::Attribute->new(...), ...);
my @options = (extra => 'the color blue');
my $t = Mail::Message::Field::Full->new(To => \@addrs, @attrs, @options);
The field
Access to the name
Access to the body
$obj->unfoldedBody([BODY, [WRAP]])
Access to the content
Add an attribute to the field. The attributes are added left-to-right into the string representation of the field, although the order of the attributes is un-important, according to the RFCs.
You may pass a fully prepared Mail::Message::Field::Attribute OBJECT, if you like to do all preparations for correct representation of the data yourself. You may also pass one STRING, which is a fully prepared attribute. This STRING will not be changed, so be careful about quoting and encodings.
As third possibility, you can specify an attribute NAME and its VALUE. An attribute object will be created for you implicitly in both cases where such object is not supplied, passing the OPTIONS. See Mail::Message::Field::Attribute::new() about the available OPTIONS.
The attribute object is returned, however, when continuations are used this may be an object you already know about. undef
is returned when construction fails (when the attribute is incorrect).
$f->attribute(filename => 'passwd');
$f->attribute(filename => 'passwd', use_continuations => 0);
my $attr = Mail::Message::Field::Attribute->new(...);
Returns a list with all attributes, which are all Mail::Message::Field::Attribute objects. The attributes are not ordered in any way. The list may be empty. Double attributes or continuations are folded into one.
$obj->createComment(STRING, OPTIONS)
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->createComment(STRING, OPTIONS)
$obj->createPhrase(STRING, OPTIONS)
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->createPhrase(STRING, OPTIONS)
Other methods
$obj->consume(LINE | (NAME,BODY|OBJECTS))
$obj->decode(STRING, OPTIONS)
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->decode(STRING, OPTIONS)
$obj->encode(STRING, OPTIONS)
$obj->fold(NAME, BODY, [MAXCHARS])
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->fold(NAME, BODY, [MAXCHARS])
Equivalent to body(), but maybe less confusing.
Error handling
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->defaultTrace([LEVEL]|[LOGLEVEL, TRACELEVEL]|[LEVEL, CALLBACK])
$obj->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
Mail::Message::Field::Structured->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
Warning: Field content is not numerical: $content
The numeric value of a field is requested (for instance the Lines
or Content-Length
fields should be numerical), however the data contains weird characters.
Warning: Illegal character in charset '$charset'
The field is created with an utf8 string which only contains data from the specified character set. However, that character set can never be a valid name because it contains characters which are not permitted.
Warning: Illegal character in field name $name
A new field is being created which does contain characters not permitted by the RFCs. Using this field in messages may break other e-mail clients or transfer agents, and therefore mutulate or extinguish your message.
Warning: Illegal character in language '$lang'
The field is created with data which is specified to be in a certain language, however, the name of the language cannot be valid: it contains characters which are not permitted by the RFCs.
Warning: Illegal encoding '$encoding', used 'q'
The RFCs only permit base64 (b
or B
) or quoted-printable (q
or Q
) encoding. Other than these four options are illegal.
Error: Package $package does not implement $method.
Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does not implement this method where it should. This message means that some other related classes do implement this method however the class at hand does not. Probably you should investigate this and probably inform the author of the package.
This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 2.085, built on December 11, 2008. Website:
Copyrights 2001-2008 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See