Mail::Box::Net::Message - one message from a distant folder


  is a Mail::Box::Message
  is a Mail::Message
  is a Mail::Reporter

Mail::Box::Net::Message is extended by


my $folder = new Mail::Box::POP3 ...
my $message = $folder->message(10);


A Mail::Box::Net::Message represents one message in a folder which can only be accessed via some kind of protocol. On this moment, only a POP3 client is available. IMAP, DBI, and NNTP are other candidates.





    Option    --Defined in     --Default
    body        Mail::Message    undef
    body_type   Mail::Box::Message  <from folder>
    deleted     Mail::Message    <false>
    field_type  Mail::Message    undef
    folder      Mail::Box::Message  <required>
    head        Mail::Message    undef
    head_type   Mail::Message    Mail::Message::Head::Complete
    labels      Mail::Message    {}
    log         Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
    messageId   Mail::Message    undef
    modified    Mail::Message    <false>
    size        Mail::Box::Message  undef
    trace       Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
    trusted     Mail::Message    <false>
    unique                       <unique string>

    . body => OBJECT

    . body_type => CODE|CLASS

    . deleted => BOOLEAN

    . field_type => CLASS

    . folder => FOLDER

    . head => OBJECT

    . head_type => CLASS

    . labels => ARRAY|HASH

    . log => LEVEL

    . messageId => STRING

    . modified => BOOLEAN

    . size => INTEGER

    . trace => LEVEL

    . trusted => BOOLEAN

    . unique => STRING

      The unique keys which identifies this message on the remote server.

Constructing a message


Mail::Box::Net::Message->build([MESSAGE|PART|BODY], CONTENT)

Mail::Box::Net::Message->buildFromBody(BODY, [HEAD], HEADERS)















The message


$obj->copyTo(FOLDER, OPTIONS)





$obj->moveTo(FOLDER, OPTIONS)


$obj->send([MAILER], OPTIONS)





    Returns the name of the file in which this message is actually stored. This will return undef when the message is not stored in a file. When a STRING is specified, a new identifier is stored first.


The header















The body


















The whole message as text







Mail::Box::Net::Message->coerce(MESSAGE, OPTIONS)




$obj->readBody(PARSER, HEAD [, BODYTYPE])

$obj->readFromParser(PARSER, [BODYTYPE])

$obj->readHead(PARSER [,CLASS])

$obj->recursiveRebuildPart(PART, OPTIONS)



Error handling




Mail::Box::Net::Message->defaultTrace([LEVEL]|[LOGLEVEL, TRACELEVEL]|[LEVEL, CALLBACK])


$obj->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])

Mail::Box::Net::Message->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])


















Error: Cannot coerce a $class object into a $class object

Error: Cannot include forward source as $include.

    Unknown alternative for the forward(include). Valid choices are NO, INLINE, ATTACH, and ENCAPSULATE.

Error: Cannot include reply source as $include.

    Unknown alternative for the include option of reply(). Valid choices are NO, INLINE, and ATTACH.

Error: Method bounce requires To, Cc, or Bcc

    The message bounce() method forwards a received message off to someone else without modification; you must specified it's new destination. If you have the urge not to specify any destination, you probably are looking for reply(). When you wish to modify the content, use forward().

Error: Method forwardAttach requires a preamble

Error: Method forwardEncapsulate requires a preamble

Error: No address to create forwarded to.

    If a forward message is created, a destination address must be specified.

Error: No default mailer found to send message.

    The message send() mechanism had not enough information to automatically find a mail transfer agent to sent this message. Specify a mailer explicitly using the via options.

Error: No rebuild rule $name defined.

Error: Only build() Mail::Message's; they are not in a folder yet

    You may wish to construct a message to be stored in a some kind of folder, but you need to do that in two steps. First, create a normal Mail::Message, and then add it to the folder. During this Mail::Box::addMessage() process, the message will get coerce()-d into the right message type, adding storage information and the like.

Error: Package $package does not implement $method.

    Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does not implement this method where it should. This message means that some other related classes do implement this method however the class at hand does not. Probably you should investigate this and probably inform the author of the package.

Error: Unable to read delayed body.

Error: Unable to read delayed head.

Error: coercion starts with some object


This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 2.096, built on November 09, 2010. Website:


Copyrights 2001-2010 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See