Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet - fake Mail::Internet
is a Mail::Message
is a Mail::Reporter
!!! BETA !!!
# change
use Mail::Internet;
# into
use Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet;
# in existing code, and the code should still work, but
# with the Mail::Message features.
This module is a wrapper around a Mail::Message, which simulates a Mail::Internet object. The name-space of that module is hijacked and many methods are added.
Most methods will work without any change, but you may need to have a look at your smtpsend() and send() calls.
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->clone(OPTIONS)
- $obj->dup()
Duplicate the message. The result will again be a Mail::Internet compatible object.
- $obj->empty()
Remove all data from this object. Very dangerous!
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->new([ARG], [OPTIONS])
-Option --Defined in --Default Body undef FoldLength 79 Header undef MailFrom 'KEEP' Modify 0 body Mail::Message undef body_type Mail::Message Mail::Message::Body::Lines deleted Mail::Message <false> field_type Mail::Message undef head Mail::Message undef head_type Mail::Message Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader labels Mail::Message {} log Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS' messageId Mail::Message undef modified Mail::Message <false> trace Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS' trusted Mail::Message <false>
Array of
terminated lines. If not specified, the lines will be read from ARG. - FoldLength => INTEGER
Number of characters permitted on any refolded header line. Passed to Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::new(FoldLength).
- Header => OBJECT
The Mail::Header object, which is passed here, is a fake one as well... It is translated into a new(head). If not given, the header will be parsed from the ARG.
- MailFrom => 'IGNORE'|'ERROR'|'COERCE'|'KEEP'
What to do with leading "
" lines in e-mail data. Passed to Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::new(MailFrom). - Modify => BOOLEAN
Whether to re-fold all the incoming fields. Passed to Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::new(Modify).
- body => OBJECT
- body_type => CLASS
- deleted => BOOLEAN
- field_type => CLASS
- head => OBJECT
- head_type => CLASS
- labels => ARRAY|HASH
- log => LEVEL
- messageId => STRING
- modified => BOOLEAN
- trace => LEVEL
- trusted => BOOLEAN
example: replace traditional Mail::Internet by this wrapper
# was use Mail::Internet; my $mi = Mail::Internet->new(@options); # becomes use Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet; my $mi = Mail::Internet->new(@options);
Constructing a message
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->add_signature([FILENAME])
Replaced by sign(), but still usable. FILENAME is the file which contains the signature, which defaults to
. - $obj->bounce([RG-OBJECT|OPTIONS])
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Bounce
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->build([MESSAGE|PART|BODY], CONTENT)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Build
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->buildFromBody(BODY, [HEAD], HEADERS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Build
- $obj->extract(ARRAY or FILEHANDLE)
Read header and body from an ARRAY or FILEHANDLE
- $obj->forward(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardAttach(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardEncapsulate(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardInline(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardNo(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardPostlude()
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardPrelude()
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- $obj->forwardSubject(STRING)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Forward
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->read(ARRAY|FILEHANDLE, OPTIONS)
Read header and body from the specified ARRAY or FILEHANDLE. When used as object method, Mail::Message::read() is called, to be MailBox compliant. As class method, the Mail::Internet compatible read is called. OPTIONS are only available in the first case.
-Option --Defined in --Default body_type Mail::Message::Construct::Read undef strip_status_fields Mail::Message::Construct::Read <true>
- $obj->read_body(ARRAY|FILEHANDLE)
Read only the message's body from the ARRAY or FILEHANDLE.
- $obj->read_header(ARRAY|FILEHANDLE)
Read only the message's header from the ARRAY or FILEHANDLE
- $obj->rebuild(OPTIONS)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Rebuild
- $obj->reply(OPTIONS)
BE WARNED: the main job for creating a reply is done by Mail::Message::reply(), which may produce a result which is compatible, but may be different from Mail::Internet's version.
-Option --Defined in --Default Bcc Mail::Message::Construct::Reply undef Cc Mail::Message::Construct::Reply <'cc' in current> Exclude [] From Mail::Message::Construct::Reply <'to' in current> Inline > Keep [] Message-ID Mail::Message::Construct::Reply <uniquely generated> ReplyAll <false> Subject Mail::Message::Construct::Reply replySubject() To Mail::Message::Construct::Reply <sender in current> body Mail::Message::Construct::Reply undef group_reply Mail::Message::Construct::Reply <true> header_template $ENV{HOME}/.mailhdr include Mail::Message::Construct::Reply 'INLINE' max_signature Mail::Message::Construct::Reply 10 message_type Mail::Message::Construct::Reply Mail::Message postlude Mail::Message::Construct::Reply undef prelude Mail::Message::Construct::Reply undef quote Mail::Message::Construct::Reply '> ' signature Mail::Message::Construct::Reply undef strip_signature Mail::Message::Construct::Reply qr/^--\s/
- Exclude => ARRAY-OF-NAMES
Remove the fields witht the specified names from the produced reply message.
- Inline => STRING
Quotation STRING, which is translated into reply(quote). The normal default of
is "> ", in stead of ">". - Keep => ARRAY-OF-NAMES
Copy all header fields with the specified NAMES from the source to the reply message.
- Message-ID => STRING
- ReplyAll => BOOLEAN
Reply to the group? Translated into reply(group_reply), which has as default the exact oposite of this option, being
. - Subject => STRING|CODE
- body => BODY
- group_reply => BOOLEAN
- header_template => FILENAME|
Read the return header from the template file. When this is explicitly set to
, or the file does not exist, then a header will be created. - include => 'NO'|'INLINE'|'ATTACH'
- max_signature => INTEGER
- message_type => CLASS
- postlude => BODY|LINES
- prelude => BODY|LINES
- quote => CODE|STRING
- signature => BODY|MESSAGE
- strip_signature => REGEXP|STRING|CODE
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Reply
- $obj->replySubject(STRING)
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->replySubject(STRING)
See "Constructing a message" in Mail::Message::Construct::Reply
- $obj->sign(OPTIONS)
Add a signature (a few extra lines) to the message.
-Option --Default File undef Signature ''
The message
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->container()
- $obj->isDummy()
- $obj->isPart()
- $obj->messageId()
- $obj->nntppost(OPTIONS)
Send an NNTP message (newsgroup message), which is equivalent to Mail::Transport::NNTP or Mail::Message::send() with
via 'nntp'
.-Option--Default Debug <false> Host <from Net::Config> Port 119
- $obj->partNumber()
- $obj->print([FILEHANDLE])
Prints the whole message to the specified FILEHANDLE, which default to STDOUT. This calls Mail::Message::print().
- $obj->send(TYPE, OPTIONS)
Send via Mail Transfer Agents (MUA). These will be handled by various Mail::Transport::Send extensions. The
TYPE is not supported. - $obj->size()
- $obj->toplevel()
- $obj->write([FILEHANDLE])
The header
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->add(LINES)
Add header lines, which simply calls
on the header for each specified LINE. The last added LINE is returned. - $obj->bcc()
- $obj->cc()
- $obj->clean_header()
Not to be used, replaced by header().
- $obj->combine(TAG, [WITH])
Not implemented, because I see no use for it.
- $obj->date()
- $obj->delete(NAME, [INDEX]])
Delete the fields with the specified NAME. The deleted fields are returned.
BE WARNED: if no NAME is specified, the
is interpreted as the deletion of the message in a folder, so Mail::Box::Message::delete() will be called. This may have no negative effect at all... - $obj->destinations()
- $obj->fold([LENGTH])
Fold all the fields to a certain maximum LENGTH. Implemented by Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::fold()
- $obj->fold_length([[TAG], LENGTH])
Set the maximum line LENGTH. TAG is ignored. Implemented by Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::fold_length()
- $obj->from()
- $obj->get(NAME, [INDEX])
Get all the header fields with the specified NAME. In scalar context, only the first fitting NAME is returned. Even when only one NAME is specified, multiple lines may be returned: some fields appear more than once in a header. Calls Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::get()
- $obj->guessTimestamp()
- $obj->head([HEAD])
Returns the head of the message, or creates an empty one if none is defined. The HEAD argument, which sets the header, is not available for Mail::Internet, but is there to be compatible with the
method of Mail::Message. - $obj->header([ARRAY])
Optionally reads a header from the ARRAY, and then returns those fields as array-ref nicely folded. Implemented by Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::header()
- $obj->nrLines()
- $obj->print_header(FILEHANDLE)
- $obj->replace(TAG, LINE, [INDEX])
Adds LINES to the header, but removes fields with the same name if they already exist. Calls Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader::replace()
- $obj->sender()
- $obj->study(FIELDNAME)
- $obj->subject()
- $obj->tidy_headers()
No effect anymore (always performed).
- $obj->timestamp()
- $obj->to()
The body
See documentation in base class.
Returns an array of lines, representing the body. With arguments, a new body will be created. In Mail::Internet, the body is not an object but a simple array.
BE WARNED: this overrules the Mail::Message::body() method, which may cause some confusion. Use bodyObject() to get access to that body's data.
- $obj->bodyObject([BODY])
Calls Mail::Message::body(), because that
method is overruled by the one which has a Mail::Internet compatible interface. - $obj->contentType()
- $obj->decoded(OPTIONS)
- $obj->encode(OPTIONS)
- $obj->isMultipart()
- $obj->isNested()
- $obj->parts(['ALL'|'ACTIVE'|'DELETED'|'RECURSE'|FILTER])
- $obj->print_body([FILEHANDLE])
Prints the body to the specified FILEHANDLE, which defaults to STDOUT. This calls Mail::Message::Body::print().
- $obj->remove_sig([NRLINES])
Remove the signature of a message with a maximum of NRLINES lines, which defaults to 10. The work is done on the decoded body content, by Mail::Message::Body::stripSignature().
- $obj->smtpsend(OPTIONS)
This method is calling Mail::Message::send() via
, which is implemented in Mail::Transport::SMTP. The implementation is slightly different, so this method is not 100% compliant.-Option --Default Debug <false> Hello <helo_domain from Net::Config> Host $ENV{SMTPHOSTS} or from Net::Config MailFrom $ENV{MAILADDRESS} or $ENV{USER} Port 25
- Debug => BOOLEAN
- Hello => STRING
- Host => HOSTNAME
Only the first detected HOSTNAME is taken, so differs from the original implementation.
- MailFrom => STRING
Your e-mail address. This simulated Mail::Internet object does not try to create an e-mail address from the sendmail configuration file, because that is generally a bad idea in environments with virtual hosts, as we have now-adays.
- Port => INTEGER
- $obj->tidy_body()
Removes blank lines from begin and end of the body.
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->deleted([BOOLEAN])
- $obj->isDeleted()
- $obj->isModified()
- $obj->label(LABEL|PAIRS)
- $obj->labels()
- $obj->labelsToStatus()
- $obj->modified([BOOLEAN])
- $obj->statusToLabels()
The whole message as text
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->as_mbox_string()
Returns the whole message as one string, which can be included in an MBOX folder (while not using Mail::Box::Mbox). Lines in the body which start with
are escaped with an >. - $obj->file()
See "The whole message as text" in Mail::Message::Construct::Text
- $obj->lines()
See "The whole message as text" in Mail::Message::Construct::Text
- $obj->printStructure([FILEHANDLE|undef],[INDENT])
See "The whole message as text" in Mail::Message::Construct::Text
- $obj->string()
See "The whole message as text" in Mail::Message::Construct::Text
The nasty bits
- $obj->isa(CLASS)
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->isa(CLASS)
Of course, the
class inheritance check should not see our nasty trick.
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->clonedFrom()
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->coerce(MESSAGE)
Coerce (adapt type) of the specified MESSAGE (anything Mail::Message::coerce() accepts) into an Mail::Internet simulating object.
- $obj->isDelayed()
- $obj->readBody(PARSER, HEAD [, BODYTYPE])
- $obj->readFromParser(PARSER, [BODYTYPE])
- $obj->readHead(PARSER [,CLASS])
- $obj->recursiveRebuildPart(PART, OPTIONS)
- $obj->storeBody(BODY)
- $obj->takeMessageId([STRING])
Error handling
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->AUTOLOAD()
- $obj->addReport(OBJECT)
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->defaultTrace([LEVEL]|[LOGLEVEL, TRACELEVEL]|[LEVEL, CALLBACK])
- $obj->errors()
- $obj->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
- $obj->logPriority(LEVEL)
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->logPriority(LEVEL)
- $obj->logSettings()
- $obj->notImplemented()
- $obj->report([LEVEL])
- $obj->reportAll([LEVEL])
- $obj->shortSize([VALUE])
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet->shortSize([VALUE])
- $obj->shortString()
- $obj->trace([LEVEL])
- $obj->warnings()
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
- Error: Cannot include forward source as $include.
Unknown alternative for the forward(include). Valid choices are
. - Error: Mail::Internet does not support this kind of data
The ARGS data can only be a file handle or an ARRAY. Other data types are not supported (see read() if you want to have more).
- Error: Method bounce requires To, Cc, or Bcc
The message bounce() method forwards a received message off to someone else without modification; you must specified it's new destination. If you have the urge not to specify any destination, you probably are looking for reply(). When you wish to modify the content, use forward().
- Error: Method forwardAttach requires a preamble
- Error: Method forwardEncapsulate requires a preamble
- Error: No address to create forwarded to.
If a forward message is created, a destination address must be specified.
- Error: No rebuild rule $name defined.
- Error: Only build() Mail::Message's; they are not in a folder yet
You may wish to construct a message to be stored in a some kind of folder, but you need to do that in two steps. First, create a normal Mail::Message, and then add it to the folder. During this Mail::Box::addMessage() process, the message will get coerce()-d into the right message type, adding storage information and the like.
- Error: Package $package does not implement $method.
Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does not implement this method where it should. This message means that some other related classes do implement this method however the class at hand does not. Probably you should investigate this and probably inform the author of the package.
This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 2.108, built on June 25, 2013. Website:
Copyrights 2001-2013 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See