
adds functionality to Mail::Message::Body
organize general message encodings
extends the functionality of a Mail::Message
bounce a Mail::Message
building a Mail::Message from components
forwarding a Mail::Message
read a Mail::Message from a file handle
modify a Mail::Message
reply to a Mail::Message
capture a Mail::Message as text


fast alternative to IO::Scalar
reading and writing messages
reading messages from file using Perl
general message object
the data of a body in a message
body of a message temporarily stored in a file
body of a Mail::Message stored as array of lines
body of a message with attachments
body of a message which contains a message
body of a Mail::Message stored as single string
conversions between message types
translate Mail::Message to Email::Simple vv
Format messages in HTML
Convert HTML into PostScript
translate Mail::Message to Mail::Internet vv
translate Mail::Message to MIME::Entity vv
Reformat plain text messages
one line of a message header
A group of Mail::Message::Field::Address objects
One e-mail address
Fields with e-mail addresses
one attribute of a full field
message header field with uris
one line of a message header
one line of a message header
construct one smart line in a message header
one line of a structured message header
message header field with uris
smart unstructured field
the header of one message
the header of one message
a sub set of fields in a header
mailinglist related header fields
subset of header information of a message
header fields tracking message delivery
spam fighting related header fields
a part of a message, but a message by itself
message transfer encoder/decoder
encode/decode base64 message bodies
encode/decode binary message bodies
encode/decode 8bit message bodies
handle quoted-printable message bodies
encode/decode 7bit message bodies
base-class and error reporter for Mail::Box


in lib/Mail/Message/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Construct/
in lib/Mail/Message/Body/
in lib/Mail/Message/Body/
in lib/Mail/Message/