# Mail::Cap
# Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Mark Overmeer <mailtools@overmeer.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
package Mail::Cap;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $useCache);
$VERSION = "1.70";
sub Version { $VERSION; }
=head1 NAME
Mail::Cap - Parse mailcap files
my $mc = new Mail::Cap;
$desc = $mc->description('image/gif');
print "GIF desc: $desc\n";
$cmd = $mc->viewCmd('text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1', 'file.txt');
Parse mailcap files as specified in RFC 1524 - I<A User Agent
Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information>. In
the description below C<$type> refers to the MIME type as specified in
the I<Content-Type> header of mail or HTTP messages. Examples of
types are:
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
$useCache = 1; # don't evaluate tests every time
my @path;
if($^O eq "MacOS") {
@path = split(/,/, $ENV{MAILCAPS} ||
} else {
@path = split(/:/, $ENV{MAILCAPS} ||
# this path is specified under RFC 1524 appendix A
( defined($ENV{HOME})
? "$ENV{HOME}/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap"
: "/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap"));
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(OPTIONS)
$mcap = new Mail::Cap;
$mcap = new Mail::Cap "/mydir/mailcap";
$mcap = new Mail::Cap filename => "/mydir/mailcap";
$mcap = new Mail::Cap take => 'ALL';
$mcap = Mail::Cap->new(take => 'ALL');
Create and initialize a new Mail::Cap object. If you give it an
argument it will try to parse the specified file. Without any
arguments it will search for the mailcap file using the standard
mailcap path, or the MAILCAPS environment variable if it is defined.
There is currently two OPTION implemented:
=over 4
=item * take =E<gt> 'ALL'|'FIRST'
Include all mailcap files you can find. By default, only the first
file is parsed, however the RFC tells us to include ALL. To maintain
backwards compatibility, the default only takes the FIRST.
=item * filename =E<gt> FILENAME
Add the specified file to the list to standard locations. This file
is tried first.
sub new
my $class = shift;
if(@_ % 2 == 1) {unshift @_, 'filename'}
my %args = @_;
my $take_all = $args{take} && uc $args{take} eq 'ALL';
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{_count} = 0;
if (defined($args{filename}) && -r $args{filename}) {
if ( !defined($args{filename}) || $take_all)
{ my $fname;
foreach $fname (@path) {
if (-r $fname) {
last unless $take_all;
unless ($self->{_count}) {
# Set up default mailcap
$self->{'audio/*'} = [{'view' => "showaudio %s"}];
$self->{'image/*'} = [{'view' => "xv %s"}];
$self->{'message/rfc822'} = [{'view' => "xterm -e metamail %s"}];
sub _process_file
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
unless($file) { return;}
local *MAILCAP;
if(open(MAILCAP, $file)) {
$self->{'_file'} = $file;
while (<MAILCAP>) {
next if /^\s*#/; # comment
next if /^\s*$/; # blank line
while (s/\\\s*$//) { # continuation line
$_ .= <MAILCAP>;
s/\0//g; # ensure no NULs in the line
s/([^\\]);/$1\0/g; # make field separator NUL
my @parts = split(/\s*\0\s*/, $_);
my $type = shift(@parts);
$type .= "/*" unless $type =~ m,/,;
my $view = shift(@parts);
$view =~ s/\\;/;/g;
my %field = ('view' => $view);
for (@parts) {
my($key,$val) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
if (defined $val) {
$val =~ s/\\;/;/g;
} else {
$val = 1;
$field{$key} = $val;
if ($field{'test'}) {
my $test = $field{'test'};
unless ($test =~ /%/) {
# No parameters in test, can perform it right away
system $test;
next if $?;
# record this entry
unless (exists $self->{$type}) {
$self->{$type} = [];
push(@{$self->{$type}}, \%field);
=head2 view($type, $file)
=head2 compose($type, $file)
=head2 edit($type, $file)
=head2 print($type, $file)
These methods invoke a suitable progam presenting or manipulating the
media object in the specified file. They all return C<1> if a command
was found, and C<0> otherwise. You might test C<$?> for the outcome
of the command.
sub view { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->viewCmd(@_)); }
sub compose { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->composeCmd(@_)); }
sub edit { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->editCmd(@_)); }
sub print { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->printCmd(@_)); }
=head2 viewCmd($type, $file)
=head2 composeCmd($type, $file)
=head2 editCmd($type, $file)
=head2 printCmd($type, $file)
These methods return a string that is suitable for feeding to system()
in order to invoke a suitable progam presenting or manipulating the
media object in the specified file. It will return C<undef> if no
suitable specification exists.
sub viewCmd { shift->_createCommand('view', @_); }
sub composeCmd { shift->_createCommand('compose', @_); }
sub editCmd { shift->_createCommand('edit', @_); }
sub printCmd { shift->_createCommand('print', @_); }
sub _createCommand
my($self, $method, $type, $file) = @_;
my $entry = $self->getEntry($type, $file);
return undef unless $entry;
if (exists $entry->{$method}) {
return $self->expandPercentMacros($entry->{$method}, $type, $file);
} else {
return undef;
sub _run
my($self, $cmd) = @_;
if (defined $cmd) {
system $cmd;
return 1;
sub makeName
my($self, $type, $basename) = @_;
my $template = $self->nametemplate($type);
return $basename unless $template;
$template =~ s/%s/$basename/g;
=head2 field($type, $field)
Returns the specified field for the type. Returns undef if no
specification exsists.
sub field
my($self, $type, $field) = @_;
my $entry = $self->getEntry($type);
=head2 description($type)
=head2 textualnewlines($type)
=head2 x11_bitmap($type)
=head2 nametemplate($type)
These methods return the corresponding mailcap field for the type.
These methods should be more convenient to use than the field() method
for the same fields.
sub description { shift->field(shift, 'description'); }
sub textualnewlines { shift->field(shift, 'textualnewlines'); }
sub x11_bitmap { shift->field(shift, 'x11-bitmap'); }
sub nametemplate { shift->field(shift, 'nametemplate'); }
sub getEntry
my($self, $origtype, $file) = @_;
if ($useCache) {
if (exists $self->{'_cache'}{$origtype}) {
return $self->{'_cache'}{$origtype};
my($fulltype, @params) = split(/\s*;\s*/, $origtype);
my($type, $subtype) = split(/\//, $fulltype, 2);
$subtype = "" unless defined $subtype;
my $entry;
for (@{$self->{"$type/$subtype"}}, @{$self->{"$type/*"}}) {
if (exists $_->{'test'}) {
# must run test to see if it applies
my $test = $self->expandPercentMacros($_->{'test'},
$origtype, $file);
system $test;
next if $?;
$entry = { %$_ }; # make copy
$self->{'_cache'}{$origtype} = $entry if $useCache;
sub expandPercentMacros
my($self,$text,$type,$file) = @_;
return $text unless defined $type;
$file = "" unless defined $file;
my($fulltype, @params) = split(/\s*;\s*/, $type);
my $subtype;
($type, $subtype) = split(/\//, $fulltype, 2);
my %params;
for (@params) {
my($key,$val) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
$params{$key} = $val;
$text =~ s/\\%/\0/g; # hide all escaped %'s
$text =~ s/%t/$fulltype/g; # expand %t
$text =~ s/%s/$file/g; # expand %s
{ # expand %{field}
local($^W) = 0; # avoid warnings when expanding %params
$text =~ s/%\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/$params{$1}/g;
$text =~ s/\0/%/g;
# This following procedures can be useful for debugging purposes
sub dumpEntry
my($hash, $prefix) = @_;
$prefix = "" unless defined $prefix;
for (sort keys %$hash) {
print "$prefix$_ = $hash->{$_}\n";
sub dump
my($self) = @_;
for (keys %$self) {
next if /^_/;
print "$_\n";
for (@{$self->{$_}}) {
dumpEntry($_, "\t");
print "\n";
if (exists $self->{'_cache'}) {
print "Cached types\n";
for (keys %{$self->{'_cache'}}) {
print "\t$_\n";
Copyright (c) 1995 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gisle Aas <aas@oslonett.no>
Modified by Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>
Maintained by Mark Overmeer <mailtools@overmeer.net>