=head1 NAME
Mail::Field::AddrList - object representation of e-mail address lists
is a Mail::Field
$to = Mail::Field->new('To');
$from = Mail::Field->new('From', 'poe@daimi.aau.dk (Peter Orbaek)');
$from->create('foo@bar.com' => 'Mr. Foo', poe => 'Peter');
$from->parse('foo@bar.com (Mr Foo), Peter Orbaek <poe>');
# make a RFC822 header string
print $from->stringify(),"\n";
# extract e-mail addresses and names
@addresses = $from->addresses(); # strings
@names = $from->names(); # strings
@addr = $from->addr_list(); # Mail::Address objects (v2.00)
# adjoin a new address to the list
$from->set_address('foo@bar.com', 'Mr. Foo');
Defines parsing and formatting of address field, for the following
fields: C<To>, C<From>, C<Cc>, C<Reply-To>, and C<Sender>.
All the normally used features of the address field specification of
RFC2822 are implemented, but some complex (and therefore hardly ever used)
constructs will not be inderstood. Use Mail::Message::Field::Full
in MailBox if you need full RFC compliance.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Constructors
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Constructors">
Mail::Field::AddrList-E<gt>B<extract>(TAG, HEAD [, INDEX ])
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Constructors">
Mail::Field::AddrList-E<gt>B<new>(TAG [, STRING | OPTIONS])
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Constructors">
=head2 "Fake" constructors
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/""Fake" constructors">
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/""Fake" constructors">
=head2 Accessors
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Accessors">
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Accessors">
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Accessors">
=head2 Smart accessors
=over 4
Returns the collected L<Mail::Address|Mail::Address> objects.
=over 4
Returns a list if email addresses, found in the field content.
=over 4
Returns a list of nicely formatted named, for each of the addresses
found in the content.
$obj-E<gt>B<set_address>(EMAIL, NAME)
=over 4
Add/replace an EMAIL address to the field.
=over 4
See L<Mail::Field/"Smart accessors">
Error: Undefined subroutine <method> called
=over 4
Mail::Field objects use autoloading to compile new functionality.
Apparently, the mehod called is not implemented for the specific
class of the field object.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This module is part of the MailTools distribution,
=head1 AUTHORS
The MailTools bundle was developed by Graham Barr. Later, Mark
Overmeer took over maintenance without development.
Mail::Cap by Gisle Aas E<lt>aas@oslonett.noE<gt>.
Mail::Field::AddrList by Peter Orbaek E<lt>poe@cit.dkE<gt>.
Mail::Mailer and Mail::Send by Tim Bunce E<lt>Tim.Bunce@ig.co.ukE<gt>.
For other contributors see ChangeLog.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyrights 1995-2000 Graham Barr E<lt>gbarr@pobox.comE<gt> and
2001-2007 Mark Overmeer E<lt>perl@overmeer.netE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.