Math::Polygon::Calc - Simple polygon calculations
is a Exporter
my @poly = ( [1,2], [2,4], [5,7], [1, 2] );
my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = polygon_bbox @poly;
my $area = polygon_area @poly;
MY $L = polygon_perimeter @poly;
if(polygon_is_clockwise @poly) { ... };
my @rot = polygon_start_minxy @poly;
This package contains a wide variaty of relatively easy polygon calculations. More complex calculations are put in separate packages.
- polygon_area(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Returns the area enclosed by the polygon. The last point of the list must be the same as the first to produce a correct result.
The algorithm was found at, and sounds:
A = abs( 1/2 * (x1y2-x2y1 + x2y3-x3y2 ...)
- polygon_bbox(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Returns a list with four elements: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), which describe the bounding box of the polygon (all points of the polygon are within that area.
- polygon_beautify([HASH], LIST-OF-POINTS)
Polygons, certainly after some computations, can have a lot of horrible artifacts: points which are double, spikes, etc. This functions provided by this module beautify The optional HASH contains the OPTIONS:
-Option --Default remove_between <false> remove_spikes <false>
- polygon_centroid(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Returns the centroid location of the polygon. The last point of the list must be the same as the first to produce a correct result.
The algorithm was found at
- polygon_clockwise(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Be sure the polygon points are in clockwise order.
- polygon_contains_point(POINT, LIST-OF-POINTS)
Returns true if the point is unside the closed polygon.
- polygon_counter_clockwise(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Be sure the polygon points are in counter-clockwise order.
Compare two polygons, on the level of points. When the polygons are the same but rotated, this will return false. See polygon_same().
- polygon_is_clockwise(LIST-OF-POINTS)
- polygon_is_closed(POINTS)
- polygon_perimeter(LIST-OF-POINTS)
The length of the line of the polygon. This can also be used to compute the length of any line: of the last point is not equal to the first, then a line is presumed; for a polygon they must match.
This is simply Pythagoras.
$l = sqrt((x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2) + sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2) + ...
Compare two polygons, where the polygons may be rotated wrt each other. This is (much) slower than polygon_equal(), but some algorithms will cause un unpredictable rotation in the result.
- polygon_start_minxy(LIST-OF-POINTS)
Returns the polygon, where the point which is closest to the left-bottom corner of the bounding box is made first.
- polygon_string(LIST-OF-POINTS)
This module is part of Math-Polygon distribution version 1.02, built on September 19, 2011. Website:
Copyrights 2004,2006-2011 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See