OODoc::Template - Simple template system


The OODoc::Template is probably the simpelest (most feature-less) template system you can image, but still capable of doing almost everything.



    Create a new formatter object. The template and search options can be overruled just as any other value.

    Option  --Default
    search    '.'
    template  <build-in>

    . search => STRING|ARRAY

      A colon separated list of directories, packed in a STRING or an ARRAY of directories, to be searched to find a named template. All search paths are used when a template is being searched for, from inside out defined by the nestings.

    . template => CODE

      The callback to insert some template. This is treated and used as any other value. By default includeTemplate() is called.


    The TEMPLATE is a string, which is processed. All tags are replaced by values. The VALUES is a hash which relates tags to values to be inserted. These parameters can also be passed as list of PAIRS.

    See "Values" about the ways to control the output.

$obj->parseFile(FILENAME, (VALUES|PAIRS))

    Parse the content of the file with specified FILENAME. The current value of search is used as path to find it.



    Collects all values related to TAG in all nestings of values. The most preferred is listed first.

$obj->handle(TAG, [ATTRIBUTES, [TEXT]])

    The TAG was found to be filled-in. In the block of the start tags, some extra ATTRIBUTES (here still as string) may be specified. The TEXT of the container (the encapsulated text) is the third argument. The latter may be undef if the tag is not used as block but as terminator. You probably will not call this method.


    This is the default implementation for the "template" tag. The ATTRIBUTES are set as values, visible in the included file. Useful attributes are file -to specified an input file- and search to define directories as template search path.


    Returns the string, which is the whole contents of the file, and some info about the file as HASH.


    Remove one level of values.


    Add new level of values to the known list. The data in the HASH is copied, and a reference to the copy returned. The copy may be changed afterwards.


    Lookup the value for TAG in the known data. See "Values" about the way this is done. The ATTRIBUTES (hash of key-values) and TEXTREF (text of contained block) are used when the TAG related to a code reference which is to produce new values dynamicly.


This module work as simple as possible: pass a string to the parse method with some values to be inserted in the string, and the result is printed to stdout. See the select statement of Perl to read how to redirect the output to a different destination, for instance a file.

Getting started

The general set-up is like this:

use OODoc::Template;
my $t = OODoc::Template->new;

my $template = ".....";  # usually read from file
my %values   = ( a => 3 );

open OUTPUT, ">", $filename or die;
select OUTPUT;

$t->parse($template, \%values);


The $template string contains HTML with special comment blocks. These special comment blocks are replaced by the specified values. The block can appear in two shapes (which may provided different output):

   some text



The first shows a container, the second a terminal tag. The TAG is one of the specified values. ATTRIBUTES are used when the TAG is not a constant value, but dynamically produced.

When the TAG starts with "NOT_", it is used to negate the boolean interpretation of the values returned by evaluating the tag:

<!--{NOT_want_something ATTRIBUTES}-->

An if-then-else looks like this:

<!--{want_something ATTRIBUTES}-->


Tags are barewords (may only contain [0-9a-zA-Z_]), which are looked-up in the "%values", which are passed with parse() to produce a value (see section about Values).


Attibutes are values which are used when the text which is to be inserted is produced dynamically. Their syntax is like this:

# attributes are optionally separated by comma's
attrs:  attr , attrs
      | attr attrs

# a hash initiation syntax may be used, but single
# barewords as well
attr:   bareword
      | bareword => "string'
      | bareword => 'string'
      | bareword => bareword
      | bareword => variable

# pass value produced by other tag
        '$' tag
      | '${' tag attrs '}'

A string may contain variables, which are stringified. This means that tags which produce hashes or arrays are not usuable to interpolate.


<!--{section nr => 2, show_number, a => "monkey", chapter => $cnr}-->

The attributes result (internally) in a hash (of ARGS) which contains the keys nr, show_number, a, and chapter with respecively values 2, true, monkey, and the looked-up value for cnr.


The values which are related to the tags are rather powerful. When a certain tag can not be found, the value is undef.

  • undef

    When the value is undef (explicitly or because it was not found), the container or terminator will be skipped. The whole text simply disappears.

  • string

    When the value is a string, that string is inserted. In case of a container, the container's text is not used.

  • HASH

    In case the value is (reference to, of course) a HASH, the values of that HASH are remembered. They are used when parsing the contents of the container, and overrule the values defined by encapsulating blocks. The container's text is parsed only once.

    The HASH key of DYNAMIC has a special purpose, which is described in the next section. The NEXT key is reserved.

  • ARRAY of HASHes

    When the value is an ARRAY of HASHes, the container is parsed again for each HASH. In practice, this is a foreach loop over the array.

  • CODE

    As last option, you can provide a CODE reference. This function is called with the tag, the specified attributes (as HASH reference), and the container's text. The value which is returned can be anything of the above (only CODE references are not accepted).


The procedure of a value lookup is quite straight forward: start with the values defined by the innermost block (container) which defined a HASH or ARRAY of HASHes, and work the way back through the enclosing blocks until the initial values have been reached.

If the tag was not found as key, undef is used. If the key was found, than the related value is treated as described in the previous section.

Working through the list of blocks, a miss on a hash will cause a second lookup: for the key DYNAMIC. If a block's set of values contains this key, the related CODE reference is called to produce a value. If the produced value is undef, the search will continue to outer blocks. Other results will be treated as any other value.

The DYNAMIC keys may be used like AUTOLOAD: to handle unexpected keys. For instance, used in the initial hash of values (passed to the parse method) it can be used to produce warnings on use of undefined tags.


This module is part of OODoc-Template distribution version 0.02, built on June 08, 2007. Website:


Copyrights 2003,2007 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See