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POSIX::1003::FS - POSIX for the file-system


  use POSIX::1003::FS ':access';
  if(access $fn, R_OK) # $fn is readible?

  use POSIX::1003::FS qw(mkfifo :stat);
  mkfifo($path, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) or die $!;

  # Absorbed from Unix::Mknod
  use POSIX::1003::FS qw(mknod major minor makedev);
  use File::stat
  my $st    = stat '/dev/null';
  my $major = major $st->rdev;
  my $minor = minor $st->rdev;
  mknod '/tmp/special', S_IFCHR|0600, makedev($major,$minor+1);


You may also need POSIX::1003::Pathconf.


Standard POSIX

access($filename, $flags)

Read man filetest before you start using this function! Use the *_OK constants for $flags.

lchown($uid, $gid, $filenames)

Like chown(), but does not follow symlinks when encountered. Returns the number of files successfully changed.

Be Warned that the POSIX specification uses different parameter order. For Perl was decided to accept a list of filenames. Passing more than one filename, however, hinders correct error reporting.

  # POSIX specification:
  # int lchown(const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group);

  # Perl core implementation:
  my $successes = chown($uid, $gid, @filenames);

  use POSIX;
  POSIX::lchown($uid, $gid, $filename) or die $!;

  use POSIX::1003::FS 'lchown';
  my @successes = lchown($uid, $gid, @filenames);
mkdir( [$filename [$mask]] )

Simple CORE::mkdir()

mkfifo($filename, $mode)
mknod($path, $mode, $device)

Create a special device node on $path. Useful symbols for $mode can be collected from Fcntl (import tag :mode). The $device number is a combination from the type (major number), a sequence number and usage information (combined in a minor number).

rename($oldname, $newname)

[0.93] Give a file or directory a new name, the basis of the UNIX mv ('move') command. This will use CORE::rename().

Be warned that Window's rename implementation will fail when $newname exists. That behavior is not POSIX compliant. On many platforms (especially the older), a rename between different partitions is not allowed.

utime($atime, $mtime, $filenames)

Simply CORE::utime()

Be Warned that uses a different parameter order than CORE.

  POSIX::utime($filename, $atime, $mtime);
  CORE::utime($atime, $mtime, @filenames);




  use File::stat 'stat';
  if(S_ISDIR(stat($fn)->mode)) ...

  if(S_ISDIR((lstat $fn)[2])) ...
makedev($major, $minor)

Combine $major and $minor into a single DEVICE number.

 my $device      = (stat $filename)[6];
 my $device_type = major $device;
 my $sequence_nr = minor $device;

 my $device = makedev $major, $minor;
 mknod $specialfile, $mode, $device;


The following constants are exported, shown here with the values discovered during installation of this module. When you ask for :constants, you get all, but they are also grouped by tag.

export tag :stat

Export POSIX::1003::FS subroutine stat and POSIX::1003::FS subroutine lstat including their related constants.

  S_IFBLK   24576       S_IFSOCK  49152       S_IWGRP   16
  S_IFCHR   8192        S_IRGRP   32          S_IWOTH   2
  S_IFDIR   16384       S_IROTH   4           S_IWUSR   128
  S_IFIFO   4096        S_IRUSR   256         S_IXGRP   8
  S_IFLNK   40960       S_IRWXG   56          S_IXOTH   1
  S_IFMT    61440       S_IRWXO   7           S_IXUSR   64
  S_IFREG   32768       S_IRWXU   448         

export tag :access

Exports function access() plus its related constants.

  F_OK          0       NAME_MAX      255     W_OK          2
  FILENAME_MAX  4096    PATH_MAX      4096    X_OK          1
  MAX_CANON     255     R_OK          4       

export tag :perms

Load only the permission flags, and related functions mkfifo(), mknod(), mkdir(), and lchown(). Also, the common S_IS* C-level macro are provided as function.

  S_IFBLK   24576       S_IFSOCK  49152       S_IWGRP   16
  S_IFCHR   8192        S_IRGRP   32          S_IWOTH   2
  S_IFDIR   16384       S_IROTH   4           S_IWUSR   128
  S_IFIFO   4096        S_IRUSR   256         S_IXGRP   8
  S_IFLNK   40960       S_IRWXG   56          S_IXOTH   1
  S_IFMT    61440       S_IRWXO   7           S_IXUSR   64
  S_IFREG   32768       S_IRWXU   448         

export tag :glob

The POSIX::1003::FS subroutine glob and POSIX::1003::FS subroutine fnmatch related constants.

  GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC   512           GLOB_NOMAGIC      2048
  GLOB_APPEND       32            GLOB_NOMATCH      3
  GLOB_BRACE        1024          GLOB_NOSORT       4
  GLOB_DOOFFS       8             GLOB_NOSPACE      1
  GLOB_ERR          1             GLOB_ONLYDIR      8192
  GLOB_MAGCHAR      256           GLOB_PERIOD       128
  GLOB_MARK         2             GLOB_TILDE        4096
  GLOB_NOCHECK      16            GLOB_TILDE_CHECK  16384
  GLOB_NOESCAPE     64            


This module is part of POSIX-1003 distribution version 0.99_03, built on February 07, 2015. Website: The code is based on POSIX, which is released with Perl itself. See also POSIX::Util for additional functionality.


Copyrights 2011-2015 on the perl code and the related documentation by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See