POSIX::Util - Extends


  is a Exporter


use POSIX::Util;

use POSIX::1003::FdIO qw(openfd O_RDONLY);
my $fd   = openfd($fn, O_RDONLY);
defined $fd or die $!;          # $fd is valid!
my $data = readfd_all $fd, undef, 1;
defined $data or die $!;

writefd_all $out, $bytes, 1
    or die "write to $outfile failed: $!\n";


This module collects some functions which are very often needed when working on the low level of the POSIX interface. The POSIX::1003 module is are pure as possible, following the standard... this Util module adds some convenience (at least has that intention).


POSIX::1003::FdIO additions

readfd_all(FD, [SIZE, [DO_CLOSE]])

Read all remaining bytes from the FD. At most SIZE bytes are read, which defaults to SSIZE_MAX.

The maximum SIZE would be SSIZE_MAX, but POSIX.xs pre-allocs a buffer with that size, so 2^64 is too large. We will read in convenient

my $in = openfd $filename, O_RDONLY;
defined $in or die "cannot open $filename to read: $!\n";

my $d  = readfd_all $in, undef, 1;
my $d  = readfd_all $in;
defined $d or die "cannot read from $filename: $!\n";
writefd_all(FD, BYTES, [DO_CLOSE])

Be sure that BYTES have the utf-8 flag off! We are working with bytes here, not strings. Returns undef if something went wrong (error in $!), otherwise the length of BYTES.

The FD will get closed when DO_CLOSE is provided and true.


my $out = creatfd $outfile, 0600;
writefd_all $out, $bytes, 1
    or die "write to $outfile failed: $!\n";


This module is part of POSIX-Util distribution version 0.10, built on July 26, 2012. Website:


Copyrights 2012 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See