present-xml - run Portable Presenter via XML.
present-xml [options] [file]
Portable Presenter (PPresenter) is a package designed to give presentations. It is written in Perl/Tk only, which is available for UNIX and for Windows. Usually, you will run present
which will call this program when the file supplied is contains xml.
- -debug
Show debug information. The XML-interpreter, PPresenter and Perl/Tk can all produce quite confusing messages, so running with debug on may clarify things sometimes.
- -device lcd|beamer|printer
What kind of output device are you using (this time). This will influence default color-settings and backdrop.
- -esis
Use the validating ESIS XML interpreter in stead of the non-validating PerlSAX parser. You may encounter some problems with the ESIS parser.
- -exporter module
PPresenter can export a presentation into a website or handouts. The html-based documentation describes how it works. Specify the name of the exporter module which shall be loaded.
- -geometry geom
Specifies the size of the window to be used. Defaults to '800x600', but this might change.
- -help
- -h
- -?
Brief help message.
- -ident
Identify the version of the ppresenter-xml command.
- -noperl
- -perl
Do (do not) create a runnable perl program from the XML file. So, you may decide to run XML directly or create a perl program as intermediate.
- -verbose
- -trace
More details about the normal flow of activities while interpreting the XML file.
A full documentation in html is included in the package, and available on the website:
, present-xml(1)