XML::Compile::SOAP11 - base for SOAP1.1 implementation
XML::Compile::SOAP11 has extra code in
is a XML::Compile::SOAP
XML::Compile::SOAP11 is extended by
# use either XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client or ::Server
# See XML::Compile::SOAP for global usage examples.
This module handles the SOAP protocol version 1.1. See The implementation tries to behave like described in
Two extensions are made: the SOAP11 client XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client. and server in XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server.
- $obj->new(OPTIONS)
To simplify the URIs of the actors, as specified with the
option, you may use the STRINGNEXT
. It will be replaced by the right URI.-Option --Defined in --Default media_type XML::Compile::SOAP application/soap+xml schemas XML::Compile::SOAP created internally
Single message
- $obj->compileMessage(('SENDER'|'RECEIVER'), OPTIONS)
-Option --Defined in --Default body XML::Compile::SOAP [] destination XML::Compile::SOAP [] faults XML::Compile::SOAP [] header XML::Compile::SOAP undef headerfault [] mustUnderstand XML::Compile::SOAP [] role XML::Compile::SOAP ULTIMATE roles XML::Compile::SOAP []
- body => ENTRIES|HASH
- destination => ARRAY-OF-PAIRS
- faults => ENTRIES|HASH
- header => ENTRIES|HASH
- headerfault => ENTRIES
ARRAY of simple name with element references, for all expected faults. There can be unexpected faults, which will not get decoded automatically.
- mustUnderstand => STRING|ARRAY-OF-STRING
- role => URI|ARRAY-OF-URI
- roles => ARRAY-OF-URI
- $obj->messageStructure(XML)
- XML::Compile::SOAP11->messageStructure(XML)
- $obj->array((NAME|undef), ITEM_TYPE, ARRAY-of-ELEMENTS, OPTIONS)
- $obj->element(TYPE, NAME, VALUE)
- $obj->enc(LOCAL, VALUE, [ID])
- $obj->encAddNamespace(PAIRS)
- $obj->encAddNamespaces(PAIRS)
- $obj->href(NAME, ELEMENT, [ID])
- $obj->multidim((NAME|undef), ITEM_TYPE, ARRAY-of-ELEMENTS, OPTIONS)
- $obj->nil([TYPE], NAME)
- $obj->prefixed(TYPE|(NAMESPACE,LOCAL))
- $obj->startEncoding(OPTIONS)
- $obj->struct(TYPE, CHILDS)
- $obj->typed(TYPE, NAME, VALUE)
SOAP introduction
Naming types and elements
Client and Server implementations
Use of wildcards (any/anyAttribute)
Header and Body entries
You only call compileMessage() explicitly if you do not have a WSDL file which contains this information. In the unlucky situation, you have to dig out the defined types by hand.
But even with a WSDL, there are still a few problems you may encounter. For instance, the WSDL will not contain mustUnderstand
and actor
header routing information. You can add these to the compileClient call
my $call = $wsdl->compileClient
( 'MyCall'
, mustUnderstand => 'h1'
, destination => [ h1 => 'NEXT' ]
Simplest form
In the simplest form, the header
and body
refer (optionally) to a list of PAIRS, each containing a free to choose unique label and the type of the element. The unique label will be used in the Perl HASH which represents the message.
my $h1el = pack_type $myns, $some_local;
my $b1el = 'myprefix:$other_local';
my $encode_query = $client->compileMessage
, header => [ h1 => $h1el ]
, body => [ b1 => $b1el ]
, mustUnderstand => 'h1'
, destination => [ h1 => 'NEXT' ]
Most powerful form
When the simple form is too simple, you can use a HASH for the header, body or both. The HASH structure is much like the WSDL structure. For example:
my $encode_query = $client->compileMessage
, header =>
{ use => 'literal'
, parts => [ { name => 'h1', element => $h1el
, mustUnderstand => 1, destination => 'NEXT'
} ]
, body => [ b1 => $b1el ]
So, the header now is one HASH, which tells us that we have a literal definition (this is the default). The optional parts for the header is an ARRAY of HASHes, each describing one part. As you can see, the mustUnderstand and destination fields are more convenient (although the other syntax will work as well).
If you feel the need to control the compilation of the various parts, with hooks or options (see XML::Compile::Schema::compile()), then have a look at XML::Compile::Cache::declare(). Declare how to handle the various types before you call compileMessage().
Receiving faults in SOAP1.1
When faults are received, they will be returned with the Fault
key in the data structure. So:
my $answer = $call->($question);
if($answer->{Fault}) { ... }
As extra service, for each of the fault types, as defined with compileMessage(faults), a decoded structure is included. The name of that structure can be found like this:
if(my $faults = $answer->{Fault})
{ my $name = $faults->{_NAME};
my $decoded = $answer->{$name};
The untranslated $faults
HASH looks like this:
Fault =>
{ faultcode => '{}Server.first'
, faultstring => 'my mistake'
, faultactor => ''
, detail => { '{http://test-types}fault_one' => [ XMLNODES ] }
, _NAME => 'fault1'
originates from the compileMessage(faults) option:
$soap->compileMessage('RECEIVER', ...
, faults => [ fault1 => '{http://test-types}fault_one' ] );
Now, automatically the answer will contain the decoded fault structure as well:
fault1 =>
{ code => '{}Server.first'
, class => [ ''
, 'Receiver', 'first' ]
, reason => 'my mistake',
, role => 'NEXT'
, detail => { help => 'please ignore' }
The detail
is the decoding of the XMLNODES, which are defined to be of type {http://test-types}fault_one
The class
is an unpacked version of the code. SOAP1.2 is using the (better) terms Sender
and Receiver
is constructed by decoding the faultactor
using roleAbbreviation(). The names are closer to the SOAP1.2 specification.
If the received fault is of an unpredicted type, then the client tries to DWIM. in the worst case, detail
will list the unparsed XMLNODEs. When the XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon server has produced the error, the content of the reply will typically be
{ Fault => # SOAP version specific
{ _NAME => 'error'
, #...more...
, error => # less SOAP version specific, readable
{ role => 'NEXT'
, reason => 'procedure xyz for SOAP11 produced an invalid response'
, error => 'some explanation'
, code =>
, class => [ SOAP11ENV, 'Receiver', 'invalidResponse' ],
Hence, a typical client routine could contain
my ($answer, $trace) = $call->(message => $message);
if(my $f = $answer->{Fault})
{ if($f->{_NAME} eq 'error')
{ # server implementation error
die "SERVER ERROR:\n$answer->{error}{error}\n";
{ # the fault is described in the WSDL, handle it!
warn "FAULT:\n",Dumper $answer->{$f->{_NAME}};
{ # correct answer
print Dumper $answer;
This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 2.27, built on June 22, 2012. Website:
Other distributions in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA, XML::Compile::C14N, XML::Compile::WSS, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Compile::RPC, XML::Rewrite, XML::eXistDB, and XML::LibXML::Simple.
Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at For live contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile
channel on
Copyrights 2007-2012 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See