XML::Compile::Tester - support XML::Compile related regression testing
is a Exporter
use XML::Compile::Tester;
# default additional compile flags, avoids repetition
set_compile_defaults(validation => 0, @other_opts);
set_compile_defaults(); # reset
# set default namespace, such that $type only needs to use local
my $ns = 'some-schemas-targetNamespace';
my $type = pack_type($ns, 'localName'); # X::C::Util
my $type = 'localName'; # now implicit in $ns
my $reader = reader_create($schema, "my reader", $type, @opts);
my $data = $reader->($xml); # $xml is string, filename, node
my $writer = writer_create($schema, "my writer", $type, @opts);
my $xml = $writer->($doc, $data);
my $xml = writer_test($writer, $data);
my $rerror = reader_error($schema, $type, $xml);
my $werror = writer_error($schema, $type, $data);
my $output = templ_xml($schema, $type, @options);
my $output = templ_perl($schema, $type, @options);
The XML::Compile module suite has extensive regression testing. Probably, you want to do regression testing as well. This module provide functions which simplify writing tests for XML::Compile related distributions.
Reader checks
Create a reader for TYPE. One test is created, reporting success or failure of the creation.
Of course, XML::Compile::Schema subroutine compile is being called, with some options. By default,
is true, andinclude_namespaces
is false. These values can be overruled using set_compile_defaults(), and with the OPTIONS parameter list.example: reader_create
my $type = pack_type('namespace', 'localName'); my $reader = reader_create($schema, 'my test', $type , check_occurs => 0, @other_options); my $data = $reader->($xml); is_deeply($data, $expected, 'my test'); # Test::More cmp_deeply($data, $expected, 'my test'); # Test::Deep # alternative for $type: set_default_namespace('namespace'); my $reader = reader_create($schema, 'my test', 'localName' , check_occurs => 0, @other_options);
- reader_error(SCHEMA, TYPE, XML)
Parsing the XML to interpret the TYPE should return an error. The error text is returned.
example: reader_error
my $error = reader_error($schema, $type, <<_XML); <test1>...</test1> _XML is($error, 'error text', 'my test'); like($error, qr/error pattern/, 'my test');
Writer checks
Create a writer for TYPE. One test (in the Test::More sense) is created, reporting success or failure of the creation.
Of course, XML::Compile::Schema subroutine compile is being called, with some options. By default,
are true, andinclude_namespaces
is false. These values can be overruled using set_compile_defaults(), and with the OPTIONS parameter list.example: writer_create
set_default_namespace('namespace'); my $writer = writer_create($schema, 'my test', 'test1'); my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8'); my $xml = $writer->($doc, $data); compare_xml($xml, <<_EXPECTED, 'my test'); <test1>...</test1> _EXPECTED # implicit creation of $doc my $xml = writer_test($writer, $data);
- writer_error(SCHEMA, TYPE, DATA)
Translating the Perl DATA into the XML type should return a validation error, which is returned.
example: writer_error
my $error = writer_error($schema, $type, $data); is($error, 'error text', 'my test'); like($error, qr/error pattern/, 'my test');
- writer_test(WRITER, DATA, [DOC])
Run the test with a compiled WRITER, which was created with writer_create(). When no DOC (XML::LibXML::Document object) was specified, then one will be created for you.
Check templates
- templ_perl(SCHEMA, TYPE, OPTIONS)
- templ_xml(SCHEMA, TYPE, OPTIONS)
Create an example template for TYPE, as XML message. The OPTIONS are passed to XML::Compile::Schema subroutine template.
example: templ_xml
my $out = templ_xml($schema, $type, show => 'ALL'); is($out, $expected);
- compare_xml(XML, EXPECTED, [COMMENT])
Compare the XML (either a string or an XML::LibXML::Element) with the EXPECTED string. Both sources are stripped from layout before comparing.
In a future release, this algorithm will get improved to compare the parsed XML node trees, not the strings.
example: compare_xml
compare_xml($xml, <<_XML, 'my test'); <test1>...</test1> _XML
- set_compile_defaults(OPTIONS)
Each call to create a reader or writer (also indirectly) with XML::Compile::Schema subroutine compile will get these OPTIONS passed, on top (and overruling) the usual settings.
# defaults for XML::Compile::Schema::compile() set_compile_defaults(include_namespaces => 1, validate => 0 , sloppy_intergers => 1, sloppy_floats => 1); set_compile_defaults(); # reset
- set_default_namespace(TESTNS)
Defined which namespace to use when a relative (only localName) type is provided. By default, this is
(an error when used)
This module is part of XML-Compile-Tester distribution version 0.90, built on August 16, 2012. Website:
Other distributions in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA, XML::Compile::C14N, XML::Compile::WSS, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Compile::RPC, XML::Rewrite, XML::eXistDB, and XML::LibXML::Simple.
Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at For live contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile
channel on
Copyrights 2008-2012 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See