XML::Compile::WSS::Signature - WSS in CICS-TS style


  is a XML::Compile::WSS


my $wss  = XML::Compile::WSS::Signature->new
   ( ... some required params, see below

WARNING: under development!


The generic Web Service Security protocol is implemented by the super class XML::Compile::WSS. This extension implements Signatures.


  • digests

    Only digest algorithms which are provided via the Digest module are supported for the elements to be signed.

  • signatures

    Only a limited subset of signing (algoritm, hash) combinations are supported. Lower on this page, you find details about each of the provided signing implementations.



-Option         --Defined in     --Default
 canon_method                      C14N_EXC_NO_COMM
 digest_method                     DSIG_SHA1
 prefix_list                       [ds wsu xenc SOAP-ENV]
 private_key                       undef
 public_key                        <depends on sign_method>
 public_key_type                   <depends on sign_method>
 public_key_uri                    '#public-key'
 publish_pubkey                    'INCLUDE_BY_REF'
 schema           XML::Compile::WSS  undef
 sign_method                       DSIG_RSA_SHA1
 version          XML::Compile::WSS  undef
 wss_version      XML::Compile::WSS  '1.1'
canon_method => CANON

The algorithm to be used for canonicalization of some component. These constants are pre-defined with nice C14N_* names in XML::Compile::C14N::Util.

digest_method => DIGEST

The algorithm used to sign the body digest, when sending. The digest name is an ugly constant which has a nice DSIG_* alias defined in XML::Compile::WSS::Util.

prefix_list => ARRAY

The exact features of this option depend on the sign_method. Usually, you can specify an OBJECT which contains the key, or STRING or FILENAME to create such an object.


In some cases, the public key can be derived from the private key.

public_key_type => KEYTYPE

The KEYTYPE must be specified in the SignedInfo. It depends on the sign_method which default is taken.

public_key_uri => STRING
publish_pubkey => 'INCLUDE_BY_REF'|CODE

How to publish the public key. The INCLUDE_BY_REF constant (currently the only one supported) will add the key as BinarySecurityToken in the message, plus a keyinfo structure with a reference to that token.

schema => XML::Compile::Cache
sign_method => SIGN
version => STRING
wss_version => '1.1'|MODULE



See "Attributes" in XML::Compile::WSS


See "Attributes" in XML::Compile::WSS



See "Internals" in XML::Compile::WSS

XML::Compile::WSS::Signature->loadSchemas(SCHEMA, VERSION)

See "Internals" in XML::Compile::WSS




Returns the default DIGEST constant, as set with new(digest_method).

This must be a full constant name, as provided by XML::Compile::WSS::Util. They are listed under export tags :dsig and :dsigm.

$obj->digest(DIGEST, TEXTREF)

Digest the text (passed as TEXTREF for reasons of performance) into a binary string.



Returns information about canonicalization method CANON. By default the algoritm of defaultCanonMethod().


Returns the default Canonicalization method as constant.


Returns an ARRAY with the prefixes to be used in canonicalization.



$obj->signElement(NODE, OPTIONS)
 id      unique
id => LABEL


Signing, the generic part

The base of this whole security protocol is crypto-signing the messages, so you will always need to specify some parameters for new().

my $wss  = XML::Compile::WSS::Signature->new
  ( sign_method => DSIG_$algo
  , ...parameters for $algo...

When the algorithm is known (see the next sections of this chapter), then the parameters will be used to produce the CODE which will do the signing.

Signing with RSA


The signing algorithm uses Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA. According to its manual-page, the current implementation is limited to

  • sign_method


    It could support some RSA_RIPEMD160, however there is no official constant for that in the standards.

  • public_key_type

    XTP10_X509         XTP10_X509PKI



my $wss  = XML::Compile::WSS::Signature->new
   ( sign_method     => DSIG_RSA_SHA1
   , private_key     => $privkey
   , public_key_type => XTP10_X509       # default
   , public_key      => $pubkey          # default from $privkey
   , public_key_uri  => '#public-key'    # default
   , publish_pubkey  => 'INCLUDE_BY_REF' # default

Private key

You have to provide the private key. There are various ways to do that. Valid values for $privkey in above example:

a Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA object

containing the private key, for instance created via its new_private_key() method.

a filename

The private key is read from the FILENAME. Typically, the filename ends on ".pem".

a string

The private key is provided as string, formatted the same way as a PEM file looks.

Public key

With public_key_type, you specify the format of the public key. By default, the XTP10_X509 is taken. You may also specify other XTP10_* constants XML::Compile::WSS::Util tag-group :xtp10.

For the public_key, you have the same options as for the private_key option, although the object is created with new_public_key this time. If the $pubkey is not provided, the $privkey object is used.

The publish_pubkey can be a prefined constant or a CODE reference. This function will be called then the wsse:Security structure is being constructed. It puts the public key information in the right Perl structure to be translated into XML automatically. The only defined constant is INCLUDE_BY_REF.


This module is part of XML-Compile-WSS distribution version 1.00, built on October 16, 2012. Website:

Other distributions in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA, XML::Compile::C14N, XML::Compile::WSS, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Compile::RPC, XML::Rewrite, XML::eXistDB, and XML::LibXML::Simple.

Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at For live contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile channel on


Copyrights 2011-2012 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See