Changes for version 0.61_02
- Minor POD cleanups
Changes for version 0.61_01
- Added custom_meta() method for more flexible meta data handled
- clarified code and extended documentation
- exposed 'build_loc' function, which may be useful as a utility function, or for a sub-class.
- custom fields are now returned with meta_hashref()
Changes for version 0.60_02
- Added up_table_map test and fixed some related code.
Changes for version 0.60_01
- Added 'up_table_map' configuration option, allowing for custom column names.
- Documentation for several functions added.
- Began refactoring to make support for Apache::Request easier.
Changes for version 0.50_03
- possible "binmode" test fix for Windows platforms.
Changes for version 0.50_02
- Removed dependence on Image::Size
- Documentation clarifications (David Manura)
Changes for version 0.50_01
- Removed dependence on Data::FormValidator
Changes for version 0.40_01
- Extensive documentation updates, thanks to feedback from David Manura.
Changes for version 0.30_01
- The API was largely re-worked, with several methods renamed and a few added. No backwards compatibility can be expected.
Manage CGI uploads using SQL database