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# ConstraintsFactory.pm - Module to create constraints for Data::FormValidator.
# This file is part of Data::FormValidator.
# Author: Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM>
# Maintainer: Mark Stosberg <mark@summersault.com>
# Copyright (C) 2000 iNsu Innovations Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms as perl itself.
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory - Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
use Data::FormValidator::ConstraintsFactory qw( :set :bool );
constraints => {
param1 => make_or_constraint(
make_num_set_constraint( -1, ( 1 .. 10 ) ),
make_set_constraint( 1, ( 20 .. 30 ) ),
province => make_word_set_constraint( "AB QC ON TN NU" ),
bid => make_range_constraint( 1, 1, 10 ),
This module contains several functions which returns closures that can
be used for constraints.
require Exporter;
($VERSION) = '$Revision: 1.3 $' =~ /Revision: ([\d.]+)/;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = ();
@EXPORT_OK = ();
bool => [ qw( make_not_constraint make_or_constraint
make_and_constraint ) ],
set => [ qw( make_set_constraint make_num_set_constraint
make_word_set_constraint make_cmp_set_constraint ) ],
num => [ qw( make_clamp_constraint make_lt_constraint
make_le_constraint make_gt_constraint
make_ge_constraint ) ],
Exporter::export_ok_tags( 'bool' );
Exporter::export_ok_tags( 'set' );
Exporter::export_ok_tags( 'num' );
Those constraints are available by using the C<:bool> tag.
=head2 make_not_constraint( $c1 )
This will create a constraint that will return the negation of the
result of constraint $c1.
sub make_not_constraint {
my $c1 = $_[0];
# Closure
return sub { ! $c1->( @_ ) };
=head2 make_or_constraint( @constraints )
This will create a constraint that will return the result of the first
constraint that return an non false result.
sub make_or_constraint {
my @c = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $res;
foreach my $c ( @c ) {
$res = $c->( @_ );
return $res if $res;
return $res;
=head2 make_and_constraint( @constraints )
This will create a constraint that will return the result of the first
constraint that return an non false result only if all constraints
returns a non-false results.
sub make_and_constraint {
my @c = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $res;
foreach my $c ( @c ) {
$res = $c->( @_ );
return $res if ! $res;
$res ||= $res;
return $res;
Those constraints are available by using the C<:set> tag.
=head2 make_set_constraint( $res, @elements )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.
The C<eq> operator is used for comparison.
sub make_set_constraint {
my $res = shift;
my @values = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $v = $_[0];
foreach my $t ( @values ) {
return $res if $t eq $v;
return ! $res;
=head2 make_num_set_constraint( $res, @elements )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.
The C<==> operator is used for comparison.
sub make_num_set_constraint {
my $res = shift;
my @values = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $v = $_[0];
foreach my $t ( @values ) {
return $res if $t == $v;
return ! $res;
=head2 make_word_set_constraint( $res, $set )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value is
a word in $set, or the negation of $res otherwise.
sub make_word_set_constraint {
my ($res,$set) = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $v = $_[0];
if ( $set =~ /\b$v\b/i ) {
return $res;
} else {
return ! $res;
=head2 make_cmp_set_constraint( $res, $cmp, @elements )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is one of the @elements set, or the negation of $res otherwise.
$cmp is a function which takes two argument and should return true or false depending if the two elements are equal.
sub make_match_set_constraint {
my $res = shift;
my $cmp = shift;
my @values = @_;
# Closure
return sub {
my $v = $_[0];
foreach my $t ( @values ) {
return $res if $cmp->($v, $t );
return ! $res;
Those constraints are available by using the C<:num> tag.
=head2 make_clamp_constraint( $res, $low, $high )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is between $low and $high bounds included or its negation otherwise.
sub make_clamp_constraint {
my ( $res, $low, $high ) = @_;
return sub {
my $v = $_[0];
$v < $low || $v > $high ? ! $res : $res;
=head2 make_lt_constraint( $res, $bound )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is lower than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.
sub make_lt_constraint {
my ( $res, $bound ) = @_;
return sub {
$_[0] < $bound ? $res : ! $res;
=head2 make_le_constraint( $res, $bound )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is lower or equal than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.
sub make_le_constraint {
my ( $res, $bound ) = @_;
return sub {
$_[0] <= $bound ? $res : ! $res;
=head2 make_gt_constraint( $res, $bound )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is greater than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.
sub make_gt_constraint {
my ( $res, $bound ) = @_;
return sub {
$_[0] >= $bound ? $res : ! $res;
=head2 make_ge_constraint( $res, $bound )
This will create a constraint that will return $res if the value
is greater or equal than $bound, or the negation of $res otherwise.
sub make_ge_constraint {
my ( $res, $bound ) = @_;
return sub {
$_[0] >= $bound ? $res : ! $res;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Author: Francis J. Lacoste <francis.lacoste@iNsu.COM>
Maintainer: Mark Stosberg <mark@summersault.com>
Copyright (c) 2000 iNsu Innovations Inc.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms as perl itself.