Changes for version 3.70 - 2005-07-19

    • DFV::Constraints::Upload can now be used with CGI::Simple (David Emery)
    • success() method added to Results object. This is an easy way to check that there were no missing or invalid fields. (Michael Peters). To make an even more compact syntax, you can simply use the $results object in a boolean context to check for success. The CGI::Application ValidateRM plugin will make use of this.
    • 'separator' was misspelled consistently in the the docs, code and tests. The proper spelling as well as the legacy typo spelling are now supported, although the typo'ed version is no longer documented, except for here. :) Thanks to Terrence Brannon for spotting this.
    • Documentation and test improvements related to missing_optional_valid
    • Update CA province codes (Steve Simms)
    • Possibly fix mod_perl/ reloading bug
    • Location of public darcs repo is mentioned in the docs
    • A new test was added to check that no warnings are emitted when an untainted constraint returns undef (Michael Peters)
    • Several test updates and documentation improvements.


Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
Validate Dates and Times
Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
results of form input validation.