Changes for version 3.71 - 2005-07-31
- This one is worth a brief explanation. When this old syntax was used:
- my ( $valid, $missing, $invalid, $unknown ) = Data::FormValidator->validate({}, {} );
- $invalid would be returned as an empty arrayref if there were no invalids. This return value was undocumented, and was later changed to be 'undef' sometime between 3.50 and 3.70. However, I found that some applications, including Cascade, depended on the undocumented return value (which they shouldn't have).
- I have now reverted the behavior to returning an empty arrayref in this case, added a test for it, and updated the docs to be explicit about the return value. This will save some people unexpected breakages when upgrading DFV from a very old version with very old applications.
- Those who use the $results object are unaffected.
- This one is worth a brief explanation. When this old syntax was used:
- Add many failing TODO tests for built-in filters. See t/filters_builtin.t
Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
Validate Dates and Times
Validate File Uploads
Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
results of form input validation.