Changes for version 4.10 - 2005-12-22
- The msgs key can now take a callback, allow users to override how error message generation is done. Some alternative message generate routines will hopefully be published soon. (Cees Hek, Chris Laco and others)
- New profile key: untaint_regexp_map (Michael Peters)
- bug was fixed for dependent fields that had false values, but were valid (Emanuele Zeppieri)
- Failed constraints for multiple fields with the same name no longer return duplicate error messages (Will Hawes)
- value of any_errors was wrongly added to msgs even when there are no errors (RT#14942, report and test script by Michael Graham)
- bump Date::Calc requirement (RT#15715)
Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
Validate Dates and Times
Validate File Uploads
Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
results of form input validation.
in lib/Data/FormValidator/