Changes for version 4.10 - 2005-12-22

    • The msgs key can now take a callback, allow users to override how error message generation is done. Some alternative message generate routines will hopefully be published soon. (Cees Hek, Chris Laco and others)
    • New profile key: untaint_regexp_map (Michael Peters)
    • bug was fixed for dependent fields that had false values, but were valid (Emanuele Zeppieri)
    • Failed constraints for multiple fields with the same name no longer return duplicate error messages (Will Hawes)
    • value of any_errors was wrongly added to msgs even when there are no errors (RT#14942, report and test script by Michael Graham)
    • bump Date::Calc requirement (RT#15715)


Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
Validate Dates and Times
Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
results of form input validation.


in lib/Data/FormValidator/