Changes for version 0.40_03 - 2006-09-27
- Further documentation refinements. No code changes.
Changes for version 0.40_02
- SQL::Interpolate
- POD improvements.
- Expanded (table) identifier match: /[a-zA-Z_.]+/ --> /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\$\.]*/ (reported by mark tiefenbruck)
- DBIx::Interpolate
- WARNING: BREAKS compatibility with 0.33.
- DBIx::Interpolate now inherits from DBI.
- Changed SQL::Interpolate::Key and SQL::Interpolate::Attr to DBIx::Interpolate::Key and DBIx::Interpolate::Attr respectively to reduce chance of name conflict.
- Fixed circular references to allow garbage collection.
- Now requires Scalar::Util.
Interpolate Perl variables into SQL with DBI
Interpolate Perl variables into SQL statements
Source filtering for SQL::Interpolate
Macros and filters for SQL::Interpolate
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/
in lib/SQL/Interpolate/
in lib/SQL/