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FAIR::Profile - the base class representing a FAIR Profile. Everything else is attached to this


version 0.3


 use FAIR;
 use FAIR::Profile::Parser;
 use FAIR::Profile;
 my $parser = FAIR::Profile::Parser->new(filename => "./ProfileSchema.rdf");
 my $Profile = $parser->parse;  # A DCAT::Profile from a file

 my $Profile2 = FAIR::Profile->new(
                label => 'UBC Thesis Submission Profile',
                title => 'UBC Thesis Submission Profile'
                description => 'the metadata that must be associated with thesis deposition',
                modified => 'May 21, 2014',
                license => 'CC',
                issued => 'May 21, 2014,
                organization => 'University of British Columbia',
                identifier => 'doi:123.123.123',
                URI => ''
 my $ProfileClass = FAIR::Profile::Class->new(
    class_type => FAIR."dataset",  # DCAT is an exported constant
    URI => "",

 my $TitleProperty = FAIR::Profile::Property->new(
    property_type => DCT.'title', # DCT is an exported constant
    allow_multiple => "false",

 my $DescrProperty = FAIR::Profile::Property->new(
    property_type => DCT.'description',
    allow_multiple => "false",
 $DescrProperty->add_ValueRange(XSD."string"); # XSD is an exported constant


 my $profileRDF =  $Profile2->serialize;
 open(OUT, ">ProfileSchema.rdf") or die "$!\n";
 print OUT $schema;
 close OUT;


DCAT Profiles describe the metadata elements, and constrained values, that should be associated with a given information entity. They ARE NOT containers for this metadata, they only describe what that metadata should look like (meta-meta-data :-) )

This module represents a DCAT Profile, and can be serialized into RDF. The objects it contains (classes and properties) will tell you what metadata fields are required/optional, and what possible values they are allowed to contain.

DCAT Profiles are not part of the official DCAT specification, but the idea was raised by the DCAT working group as something that might be useful... it certainly is!


FAIR::Profile - a module representing a FAIR Profile.


Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae dot com)



 Title : new
 Usage : my $ProfileParser = DCAT::Profile->new();
 Function: Builds a new DCAT::Profile
 Returns : DCAT::Profile
 Args : label => $string
        title => $string
        description => $string
        modified => $date
        license => $string
        issued => $date
        organization => $string
        identifier => $string
        URI => $URI (optional - a unique URI will be auto-generated)


 Title : label
 Usage : $label = $Profile->label($label);
 Function: get/set the RDF label for this object when serialized
 Returns : string
 Args : string


 Title : title
 Usage : $title = $Profile->title($title);
 Function: get/set the title of this Profile
 Returns : string
 Args : string


 Title : description
 Usage : $desc = $Profile->description($desc);
 Function: get/set the description of this Profile
 Returns : string
 Args : string


 Title : modified
 Usage : $date = $Profile->modified($date);
 Function: get/set the modified date of this Profile
 Returns : string  (one day this will be more rigorous!)
 Args : string (one day this will be more rigorous!)


 Title : issued
 Usage : $date = $Profile->issued($date);
 Function: get/set the created/issued date of this Profile
 Returns : string  (one day this will be more rigorous!)
 Args : string (one day this will be more rigorous!)


 Title : organization
 Usage : $name = $Profile->organization($name);
 Function: get/set the organization who created this Profile
 Returns : string  (should probably be a URI... one day)
 Args : string  (should probably be a URI... one day)


 Title : identifier
 Usage : $id = $Profile->identifier($id);
 Function: get/set the unique identifier for this Profile
 Returns : string  (should be a URI or a DOI if available)
 Args : string   (should be a URI or a DOI if available)


 Title : URI
 Usage : $uri = $Profile->URI($uri);
 Function: get/set the URI for this Profile - the root URI in the RDF
 Returns : string  (should be a URI)
 Args : string   (should be a URI)
 notes:  if this is not supplied, a unique URI will be automatically generated


 Title : add_Class
 Usage : $Profile->add_Class($Class);
 Function: add a new DCAT::Profile::Class to the Profile
 Returns : boolean (1 for success)
 Args : DCAT::Profile::Class


 Title : has_class
 Usage : $Profile->has_class();
 Function: retrieve all Classes for the profile
 Returns : listref of DCAT::Profile::Class objects
 Args : none
 Note:  the capitalization of the method name
        matches the capitalization of the RDF predicate...


Mark Denis Wilkinson (markw [at] illuminae [dot] com)


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Mark Denis Wilkinson.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004