use v5.22;
use strict;
use Moose;
use Carp;
use Date::Lectionary::Time qw(nextSunday prevSunday closestSunday);
use File::Share ':all';
=head1 NAME
Date::Lectionary::Day - Determines the Day in the Christian Liturgical Year
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.20180416
use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v1.20180416");
A helper object for Date::Lectionary to determine the liturgical name(s) and type for the given day according to a given lectionary.
enum 'DayType', [qw(fixedFeast moveableFeast Sunday noLect)];
enum 'LectionaryType', [qw(acna rcl)];
enum 'MultiLect', [qw(yes no)];
enum 'IncludeFeasts', [qw(yes no)];
no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
=head3 date
The Time::Piece object date given at object construction.
=head3 lectionary
An optional attribute given at object creation time. Valid values are 'acna' for the Anglican Church of North America lectionary and 'rcl' for the Revised Common Lectionary. This attribute defaults to 'acna' if no value is given.
=head3 type
Stores the type of liturgical day. 'fixedFeast' is returned for non-moveable feast days such as Christmas Day. 'moveableFeast' is returned for moveable feast days. Moveable feasts move to a Monday when they occure on a Sunday. 'Sunday' is returned for non-fixed feast Sundays of the liturgical year. 'noLect' is returned for days with no feast day or Sunday readings.
=head3 name
The name of the day in the lectionary. For noLect days a String representation of the day is returned as the name.
=head3 alt
The alternative name --- if one is given --- of the day in the lectionary. If there is no alternative name for the day, then the empty string will be returned.
=head3 multiLect
Returns 'yes' if the day has multiple services with readings associated with it. (E.g. Christmas Day, Easter, etc.) Returns 'no' if the day is a normal lectioanry day with only one service and one set of readings.
=head3 subLects
An ArrayRef of the names of the multiple services that occur on a multiLect day.
=head3 includeFeasts
If this is set to 'yes' --- the default value --- the module will include fixed and moveable feasts in its determination of which liturgical Sunday it is.
If set to 'no', it will exclude fixed and moveable feasts. Excluding feasts is useful when using Date::Lectionary::Day in combination with a daily lectionary such as Date::Lectioary::Daily where a fixed feast such as The Transfiguration can conflict with determining the Sunday to use for the daily lectionary.
has 'date' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Time::Piece',
required => 1,
has 'type' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'DayType',
writer => '_setType',
init_arg => undef,
has 'lectionary' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'LectionaryType',
default => 'acna',
has 'displayName' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
writer => '_setDisplayName',
init_arg => undef,
alias => 'name',
has 'altName' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
writer => '_setAltName',
init_arg => undef,
alias => 'alt',
has 'commonName' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
writer => '_setCommonName',
init_arg => undef,
has 'multiLect' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'MultiLect',
writer => '_setMultiLect',
init_arg => undef,
has 'subLects' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
writer => '_setSubLects',
init_arg => undef,
has 'includeFeasts' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'IncludeFeasts',
default => 'yes',
=head2 BUILD
Constructor for the Date::Lectionary object. Takes a Time::Piect object, C<date>, to create the object.
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
my $advent = _determineAdvent( $self->date );
my $easter = _determineEaster( $advent->firstSunday->year + 1 );
my %commonNameInfo = _determineDay( $self->date, $self->lectionary, $self->includeFeasts, $advent, $easter );
$self->_setCommonName( $commonNameInfo{commonName} );
$self->_setDisplayName( _determineDisplayName( $self->lectionary, $commonNameInfo{commonName} ) );
$self->_setAltName( _determineAltName( $self->lectionary, $commonNameInfo{commonName} ) );
$self->_setType( $commonNameInfo{type} );
my %multiLectInfo = _determineMultiLect( $self->lectionary, $commonNameInfo{commonName} );
$self->_setMultiLect( $multiLectInfo{multiLect} );
$self->_setSubLects( $multiLectInfo{multiNames} );
=head2 _determineMultiLect
Private method to determine if the day has multiple lectionary services and readings for the day.
sub _determineMultiLect {
my $tradition = shift;
my $commonName = shift;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $data_location;
my $lectionary;
try {
$data_location = dist_file( 'Date-Lectionary', 'date_lectionary_xref.xml' );
$lectionary = $parser->parse_file($data_location);
catch {
confess "The lectionary cross reference file could not be found or parsed.";
my $compiled_xpath;
try {
$compiled_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new("/xref/day[\@multi=\"$commonName\"]/alt[\@type='$tradition']");
catch {
confess "The XPATH expression to to query the cross reference database could not be compiled.";
my @multiNames;
try {
if ( $lectionary->exists($compiled_xpath) ) {
my @nodes = $lectionary->findnodes($compiled_xpath);
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
push( @multiNames, $node->textContent );
return ( multiLect => 'yes', multiNames => \@multiNames );
else {
return ( multiLect => 'no', multiNames => \@multiNames );
catch {
confess "An unpected error occured while querying the cross reference database.";
=head2 _determineDisplayName
Private method to determine the unique display name for the day.
sub _determineDisplayName {
my $tradition = shift;
my $commonName = shift;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $data_location;
my $lectionary;
try {
$data_location = dist_file( 'Date-Lectionary', 'date_lectionary_xref.xml' );
$lectionary = $parser->parse_file($data_location);
catch {
confess "The lectionary cross reference file could not be found or parsed.";
my $compiled_xpath;
my $multi_xpath;
try {
$compiled_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new("/xref/day[\@name=\"$commonName\"]/alt[\@type='$tradition']");
$multi_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new("/xref/day[\@multi=\"$commonName\"]");
catch {
confess "The XPATH expression to to query the cross reference database could not be compiled.";
my $displayName;
try {
$displayName = $lectionary->findvalue($compiled_xpath);
if ( $lectionary->exists($multi_xpath) ) {
return $commonName;
elsif ( $displayName eq '' ) {
return $commonName;
else {
return $displayName;
catch {
confess "An unpected error occured while querying the cross reference database.";
=head2 _determineAltName
Private method to determine if the day has any alternative names for the day.
sub _determineAltName {
my $tradition = shift;
my $commonName = shift;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $data_location;
my $lectionary;
try {
$data_location = dist_file( 'Date-Lectionary', 'date_lectionary_xref.xml' );
$lectionary = $parser->parse_file($data_location);
catch {
confess "The lectionary cross reference file could not be found or parsed.";
my $compiled_xpath;
my $multi_xpath;
try {
$compiled_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new("/xref/day[\@name=\"$commonName\"]/alt[\@type='$tradition-alt']");
catch {
confess "The XPATH expression to to query the cross reference database could not be compiled.";
my $altName;
try {
$altName = $lectionary->findvalue($compiled_xpath);
return $altName;
catch {
confess "An unpected error occured while querying the cross reference database.";
=head2 _determineAdvent
Private method that takes a Time::Piece date object to returns a Date::Advent object containing the dates for Advent of the current liturgical year.
sub _determineAdvent {
my $date = shift;
my $advent = undef;
try {
$advent = Date::Advent->new( date => $date );
return $advent;
catch {
confess "Could not calculate Advent for the given date [" . $date->ymd . "].";
=head2 _determineEaster
Private method that takes a four-digit representation of a Common Era year and calculates the date for Easter as a Time::Piece object.
sub _determineEaster {
my $easterYear = shift;
my $easter = undef;
try {
my ( $easterMonth, $easterDay ) = easter($easterYear);
$easter = Time::Piece->strptime( $easterYear . "-" . $easterMonth . "-" . $easterDay, "%Y-%m-%d" );
return $easter;
catch {
confess "Could not calculate Easter for the year [" . $easterYear . "]";
=head2 _determineFeasts
Private method that takes the Time::Piece date given at construction and determines if the date is one of many feasts in the liturgical calendar. Feasts are taken from the Anglican Church in North America's revision of the revised common lectionary.
sub _determineFeasts {
my $date = shift;
my $lectionary = shift;
my $yesterday = $date - ONE_DAY;
my $yesterdayName;
if ( $yesterday->wday == 1 ) {
$yesterdayName = _buildMoveableDays( $yesterday, $lectionary );
if ($yesterdayName) {
return ( commonName => $yesterdayName, type => 'moveableFeast' );
my $fixedDayName = _buildFixedDays( $date, $lectionary );
if ($fixedDayName) {
return ( commonName => $fixedDayName, type => 'fixedFeast' );
my $moveableDayName = _buildMoveableDays( $date, $lectionary );
if ( $moveableDayName && $date->wday != 1 ) {
return ( commonName => $moveableDayName, type => 'moveableFeast' );
return ( commonName => undef, type => undef );
=head2 _buildMoveableDays
Private method that takes the Time::Piece date given at construction and determines if the date is one of many moveable feasts in the liturgical calendar. Feasts are taken from the Anglican Church in North America's revision of the revised common lectionary.
sub _buildMoveableDays {
my $date = shift;
my $lectionary = shift;
#Moveable holidays in January
if ( $date->mon == 1 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 18 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "Confession of St. Peter";
if ( $date->mday == 25 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "Conversion of St. Paul";
#Moveable holidays in February
elsif ( $date->mon == 2 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 2 ) {
return "The Presentation of Christ in the Temple";
if ( $date->mday == 24 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Matthias";
#Moveable holidays in March
elsif ( $date->mon == 3 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 19 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Joseph";
if ( $date->mday == 25 ) {
return "The Annunciation";
#Moveable holidays in April
elsif ( $date->mon == 4 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 25 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Mark";
#Moveable holidays in May
elsif ( $date->mon == 5 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 1 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Philip & St. James";
if ( $date->mday == 31 ) {
return "The Visitation";
#Moveable holidays in June
elsif ( $date->mon == 6 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 11 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Barnabas";
if ( $date->mday == 24 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "Nativity of St. John the Baptist";
if ( $date->mday == 29 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Peter & St. Paul";
#Moveable holidays in July
elsif ( $date->mon == 7 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 22 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Mary Magdalene";
if ( $date->mday == 25 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. James";
#Moveable holidays in August
elsif ( $date->mon == 8 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 15 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Mary the Virgin";
if ( $date->mday == 24 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Bartholomew";
#Moveable holidays in September
elsif ( $date->mon == 9 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 14 ) {
return "Holy Cross Day";
if ( $date->mday == 21 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Matthew";
if ( $date->mday == 29 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "Holy Michael & All Angels";
#Moveable holidays in October
elsif ( $date->mon == 10 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 18 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Luke";
if ( $date->mday == 28 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Simon & St. Jude";
#Moveable holidays in November
elsif ( $date->mon == 11 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 30 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Andrew";
#Moveable holidays in December
elsif ( $date->mon == 12 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 21 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Thomas";
if ( $date->mday == 26 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. Stephen";
if ( $date->mday == 27 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "St. John";
if ( $date->mday == 28 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "Holy Innocents";
else {
confess "Date [" . $date->ymd . "] is not a known or valid date.";
=head2 _buildFixedDays
Private method that takes the Time::Piece date given at construction and determines if the date is one of many fixed (non-moveable) feasts in the liturgical calendar. Fixed feasts are taken from the Anglican Church in North America's revision of the revised common lectionary.
sub _buildFixedDays {
my $date = shift;
my $lectionary = shift;
#Fixed holidays in January
if ( $date->mon == 1 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 1 ) {
return "Holy Name";
if ( $date->mday == 6 ) {
return "The Epiphany";
#Fixed holidays in February
elsif ( $date->mon == 2 ) {
#Fixed holidays in March
elsif ( $date->mon == 3 ) {
#Fixed holidays in April
elsif ( $date->mon == 4 ) {
#Fixed holidays in May
elsif ( $date->mon == 5 ) {
#Fixed holidays in June
elsif ( $date->mon == 6 ) {
#Fixed holidays in July
elsif ( $date->mon == 7 ) {
#Fixed holidays in August
elsif ( $date->mon == 8 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 6 && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "The Transfiguration";
#Fixed holidays in September
elsif ( $date->mon == 9 ) {
#Fixed holidays in October
elsif ( $date->mon == 10 ) {
#Fixed holidays in November
elsif ( $date->mon == 11 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 1 ) {
return "All Saints' Day";
#Fixed holidays in December
elsif ( $date->mon == 12 ) {
if ( $date->mday == 25 ) {
return "Christmas Day";
else {
confess "Date [" . $date->ymd . "] is not a known or valid date.";
=head2 _determineAshWednesday
Private method that takes the Time::Piece date for Easter and determines the date for Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. It occurs 46 days before Easter for the given year.
sub _determineAshWednesday {
my $easter = shift;
my $ashWednesday = undef;
try {
my $secondsToSubtract = 46 * ONE_DAY;
$ashWednesday = $easter - $secondsToSubtract;
return $ashWednesday;
catch {
confess "Could not calculate Ash Wednesday for Easter [" . $easter->ymd . "].";
=head2 _determineAscension
Private method that takes the Time::Piece date for Easter and determines the date for Ascension. Ascension is forty days (inclusive) after Easter.
sub _determineAscension {
my $easter = shift;
my $ascension = undef;
try {
my $secondsToAdd = 39 * ONE_DAY;
$ascension = $easter + $secondsToAdd;
return $ascension;
catch {
confess "Could not calculate Ascension for Easter [" . $easter->ymd . "].";
=head2 _determinePentecost
Private method the takes the Time::Piece date for Easter and determines the date for Pentecost. Pentecost is fifty days (inclusive) after Easter.
sub _determinePentecost {
my $easter = shift;
my $pentecost = undef;
try {
my $secondsToAdd = 49 * ONE_DAY;
$pentecost = $easter + $secondsToAdd;
return $pentecost;
catch {
confess "Could not calculate Pentecost for Easter [" . $easter->ymd . "].";
=head2 _determineHolyWeek
Private method used to return the names of various days within Holy Week. Takes the Time::Piece date given at construction and the Time::Piece date for Easter. Returns undef if the date given at construction is not found in Holy Week.
sub _determineHolyWeek {
my $date = shift;
my $easter = shift;
my $dateMark = $easter - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Holy Saturday";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Good Friday";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Maundy Thursday";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Wednesday in Holy Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Tuesday in Holy Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Monday in Holy Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark - ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Palm Sunday";
return undef;
=head2 _determineEasterWeek
Private method used to return the names of various days within Easter Week. Takes the Time::Piece date given at construction and the Time::Piece date for Easter. Returns undef if the date given at construction is not found in Easter Week.
sub _determineEasterWeek {
my $date = shift;
my $easter = shift;
my $dateMark = $easter + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Monday of Easter Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Tuesday of Easter Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Wednesday of Easter Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Thursday of Easter Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Friday of Easter Week";
$dateMark = $dateMark + ONE_DAY;
if ( $date == $dateMark ) {
return "Saturday of Easter Week";
return undef;
=head2 _hasChristmas2
Private method to determine if there is a second Sunday of Christmas in the current liturgical year. Returns 1 when there is a second Sunday of Christmas and 0 otherwise.
sub _hasChristmas2 {
my $advent = shift;
my $epiphany = shift;
my $firstChristmas = nextSunday( $advent->fourthSunday );
my $dateMarker = nextSunday($firstChristmas);
if ( $dateMarker < $epiphany ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
return 0;
=head2 _determineChristmasEpiphany
Private method that matches the date given at construction against the Sundays in Christmastide and Epiphany. Returns a string representation of the name of the Sunday in the lectionary.
sub _determineChristmasEpiphany {
my $date = shift;
my $advent = shift;
my $ashWednesday = shift;
my $lectionary = shift;
my $epiphany = Time::Piece->strptime( $date->year . "-01-06", "%Y-%m-%d" );
my $christmas2 = _hasChristmas2( $advent, $epiphany );
#Is the date in Christmastide?
my $dateMarker = nextSunday( $advent->fourthSunday );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The First Sunday of Christmas";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker && $christmas2 == 1 ) {
return "The Second Sunday of Christmas";
elsif ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The First Sunday of Epiphany";
my @epiphanySundays = ( "The First Sunday of Epiphany", "The Second Sunday of Epiphany", "The Third Sunday of Epiphany", "The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany", "The Fifth Sunday of Epiphany", "The Sixth Sunday of Epiphany", "The Seventh Sunday of Epiphany", "The Last Sunday after Epiphany" );
#Is the date in Epiphany?
my $sunCount = 0;
foreach my $sunday (@epiphanySundays) {
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker && $date == prevSunday($ashWednesday) ) {
return "The Last Sunday after Epiphany";
if ( $date == $dateMarker && $date == prevSunday( prevSunday($ashWednesday) ) && $lectionary eq 'acna' ) {
return "The Second to Last Sunday after Epiphany";
if ( $date == $dateMarker && $christmas2 == 1 ) {
return $epiphanySundays[$sunCount];
elsif ( $date == $dateMarker && $christmas2 == 0 ) {
return $epiphanySundays[ $sunCount + 1 ];
confess "There are no further Sundays of Christmastide or Epiphany.";
=head2 _determineLent
Private method that matches the date given at construction against the Sundays in Lent. Returns a string representation of the name of the Sunday in the lectionary.
sub _determineLent {
my $date = shift;
my $ashWednesday = shift;
my $dateMarker = nextSunday($ashWednesday);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The First Sunday in Lent";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Second Sunday in Lent";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Third Sunday in Lent";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Fourth Sunday in Lent";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Fifth Sunday in Lent";
confess "There are no further Sundays in Lent";
=head2 _determineEasterSeason
Private method that matches the date given at construction against the Sundays in the Easter season. Returns a string representation of the name of the Sunday in the lectionary.
sub _determineEasterSeason {
my $date = shift;
my $easter = shift;
my $dateMarker = nextSunday($easter);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Second Sunday of Easter";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Third Sunday of Easter";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Fourth Sunday of Easter";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Fifth Sunday of Easter";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Sixth Sunday of Easter";
$dateMarker = nextSunday($dateMarker);
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "The Sunday after Ascension Day";
confess "There are no further Sundays of Easter for [" . $date->ymd . "].";
=head2 _determineOrdinary
Private method that matches the date given at construction against the Sundays in Ordinary time, e.g. Trinity Sunday and following Sundays. Returns a string representation of the name of the Sunday in the lectionary.
sub _determineOrdinary {
my $date = shift;
my $pentecost = shift;
my $trinitySunday = nextSunday($pentecost);
if ( $date == $trinitySunday ) {
return "Trinity Sunday";
my $dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-05-25", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 8";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-06-01", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 9";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-06-08", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 10";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-06-15", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 11";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-06-22", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 12";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-06-29", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 13";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-07-06", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 14";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-07-13", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 15";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-07-20", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 16";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-07-27", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 17";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-08-03", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 18";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-08-10", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 19";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-08-17", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 20";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-08-24", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 21";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-08-31", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 22";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-09-07", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 23";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-09-14", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 24";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-09-21", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 25";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-09-28", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 26";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-10-05", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 27";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-10-12", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 28";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-10-19", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 29";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-10-26", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 30";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-11-02", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 31";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-11-09", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 32";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-11-16", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Ordinary 33";
$dateMarker = closestSunday( Time::Piece->strptime( $pentecost->year . "-11-23", "%Y-%m-%d" ) );
if ( $date == $dateMarker ) {
return "Christ the King";
confess "There are no further Sundays of Ordinary Time.";
=head2 _determineDay
Private method that takes the Time::Piece data given at construction and, using other private methods, determines the name of the Feast Day or Sunday in the lectionary. If the date given at construction is a fixed feast, that day will be returned. If the date given is a special feast -- e.g. Easter, Ash Wednesday, etc. -- or a Sunday the name of that day will be returned. If the date isn't a special feast or a Sunday the date represented as a string will be returned as the name with no associated readings.
sub _determineDay {
my $date = shift;
my $lectionary = shift;
my $includeFeasts = shift;
my $advent = shift;
my $easter = shift;
#Is the date in Advent?
if ( $date == $advent->firstSunday ) {
return ( commonName => "The First Sunday in Advent", type => 'Sunday' );
elsif ( $date == $advent->secondSunday ) {
return (
commonName => "The Second Sunday in Advent",
type => 'Sunday'
elsif ( $date == $advent->thirdSunday ) {
return ( commonName => "The Third Sunday in Advent", type => 'Sunday' );
elsif ( $date == $advent->fourthSunday ) {
return (
commonName => "The Fourth Sunday in Advent",
type => 'Sunday'
#Is the date Easter Sunday?
if ( $date == $easter ) {
return ( commonName => "Easter Day", type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Determine when Ash Wednesday is
my $ashWednesday = _determineAshWednesday($easter);
if ( $date == $ashWednesday ) {
return ( commonName => "Ash Wednesday", type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Holy Week
my $holyWeekDay = _determineHolyWeek( $date, $easter );
if ($holyWeekDay) {
return ( commonName => $holyWeekDay, type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Easter Week
my $easterWeekDay = _determineEasterWeek( $date, $easter );
if ($easterWeekDay) {
return ( commonName => $easterWeekDay, type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Ascension is 40 days after Easter
my $ascension = _determineAscension($easter);
if ( $date == $ascension ) {
return ( commonName => "Ascension Day", type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Pentecost is 50 days after Easter
my $pentecost = _determinePentecost($easter);
if ( $date == $pentecost ) {
return ( commonName => "Pentecost", type => 'fixedFeast' );
#Feast Day Celebrations
if ( $includeFeasts eq 'yes' ) {
my %feastDay = _determineFeasts( $date, $lectionary );
if ( $feastDay{commonName} ) {
return ( commonName => $feastDay{commonName}, type => $feastDay{type} );
#If the date isn't a Sunday and we've determined it is not a fixed holiday
#then there are no readings for that day.
if ( $date->wday != 1 ) {
return (
commonName => $date->fullday . ', ' . $date->fullmonth . ' ' . $date->mday . ', ' . $date->year,
type => 'noLect'
#Sundays of the Liturgical Year
if ( $date < $ashWednesday ) {
return (
commonName => _determineChristmasEpiphany( $date, $advent, $ashWednesday, $lectionary ),
type => 'Sunday'
if ( $date < $easter ) {
return (
commonName => _determineLent( $date, $ashWednesday ),
type => 'Sunday'
if ( $date > $easter && $date < $pentecost ) {
return (
commonName => _determineEasterSeason( $date, $easter ),
type => 'Sunday'
if ( $date > $pentecost ) {
return (
commonName => _determineOrdinary( $date, $pentecost ),
type => 'Sunday'
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Wayne Arnold, C<< <marmanold at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-date-lectionary at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Date::Lectionary::Day
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Many thanks to my beautiful wife, Jennifer, and my amazing daughter, Rosemary. But, above all, SOLI DEO GLORIA!
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2016-2018 MICHAEL WAYNE ARNOLD
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
1; # End of Date::Lectionary::Day