Changes for version 1.03
- Add checksum check for tracking numbers
- Moose exceptions are thrown using Business::UPS::Tracking::X::CLASS
- Add Business::UPS::Tracking::Element::Code
- Make object serializeable
- Fix some bugs
- Add commandline interface
- Removed overload
Access UPS tracking webservice from the commandline
Interface to the UPS tracking webservice
Commandline interface to UPS tracking
A small freight package activity
An address
Generic container for parameters
A small freight package
A reference number
A shipment or package weight
A tracking request
A response from the UPS webservice
Helper role
Serialize objects
Base class for shipments
A freight shipment
A small package shipment
Utility functions
in lib/Business/UPS/Tracking/
in lib/Business/UPS/Tracking/Meta/Attribute/Trait/
in lib/Business/UPS/Tracking/Meta/Attribute/Trait/