WebService::TypePad - Interface to the Six Apart TypePad API


my $typepad = WebService::TypePad->new();
my $user = $typepad->users->get_user(user_id => '6p1234123412341234');
my $user_memberships = $typepad->users->get_user_memberships(user => $user);



Create a new TypePad API client instance.

By default, with no arguments, the returned object will be configured to use the API endpoints for the main TypePad service. However, the argument backend_url can be used to override this and have the client connect to a different URL. For example:

my $typepad = WebService::TypePad->new(
    backend_url => '',

If no arguments are supplied, the client will do unauthenticated requests to the unauthenticated TypePad endpoints. To do authenticated requests, provide the necessary OAuth parameters. For example:

my $typepad = WebService::TypePad->new(
    consumer_key => '...',
    consumer_secret => '...',
    access_token => '...',
    access_token_secret => '...',

If you need to obtain an access_token and access_token_secret, you can use the methods provided by WebService::TypePad::Auth.

Noun Accessors

Each noun in the TypePad API is represented in this library as a class. An instance of a noun class can be obtained by calling the method named after it on the typepad instance.

For example, to get the "users" noun, call $typepad->users. Dashes in the names are replaced with underscores to create valid Perl method names.

A full list of nouns known to this version of the library is in WebService::TypePad::Noun.


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This package may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.