POE::Session::Irssi -- emit POE events for Irssi signals
use Irssi;
use Glib;
use POE qw(Loop::Glib);
use POE::Session::Irssi;
%IRSSI = ( ... fill in the usual stuff for scripts here ... );
POE::Session::Irssi->create (
irssi_commands => {
hello => sub {
my $args = $_[ARG1];
my ($data, $server, $witem) = @$args;
$server->command("MSG $witem->{name} Hello $data!");
irssi_signals => {
"message join" => sub {
my $args = $_[ARG1];
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address) = @$args;
my $me = $server->{nick};
if ($nick eq $me) {
$server->command("MSG $channel Hello World!");
} else {
$server->command("MSG $channel Hi there, $nick");
# Other create() args here..
This POE::Session subclass helps you integrate POE and Irssi scripting. It connects the signals and commands handlers you define as POE events with the Irssi machinery. It also tries to clean up as much as possible when the script gets unloaded, by removing all the alarms your session has running.
create (%args)
Apart from the normal arguments POE::Session create() supports, there are two more arguments.
irssi_commands => { command_name => \&handler_sub, }
As you can see in the example above, this expects a hashref, with the keys holding the /command you use in Irssi, and the values being references to the handler function. Because POE::Session::Irssi creates a postback behind the scenes for each command, your handler sub will get two arguments in ARG0 and ARG1. These are the normal postback lists, and the arguments you would normally receive in an Irssi handler are in the list in ARG1.
Currently, only this inline_state like syntax is supported. Allowing for object/package states is on the TODO list.
irssi_signals => {
"signal name" => \&handler_sub,
This is much the same as for the irssi_commands. One thing to remember is that lots of Irssi signals have spaces in their names, so don't forget to put them inside quotes.
Since you don't need to call POE::Kernel->run() in Irssi scripts (because the Glib mainloop is already running), it is no problem at all to have more than one Irssi script contain a POE::Session. They will all use the same POE::Kernel and POE::Loop.
Allow object/package states
Maybe put a list of session aliases in an Irssi setting somewhere This would allow discovery of what other sessions we can talk to.
This module is Copyright 2006 Martijn van Beers. It is free software; you may reproduce and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL licence v2.0. See the file COPYING in the source tarball for more information