Tk::GridColumns - Columns widget for Tk
use Tk::GridColumns; # load the module
# to create a new Tk::GridColumns widget, use the following syntax,
# all options are optional, each default is shown here:
my $gc = new Tk::GridColumns ( # create a Tk::GridColumns widget
$top, # the frame/window to put it in
-scrollbars => 'ose', # change the scrollbars for the Pane
-relief => 'sunken', # change the relief for the Pane
-bd => 2, # change the borderwidth for the Pane
-background => 'white', # change the background for the Pane
-header_font => '{Arial} 10 {bold}', # change the header font
-item_scrollbars => 'osoe', # change the scrollbars for each item
-item_relief => 'sunken', # change the relief for each item
-item_bd => 2, # change the borderwidth for each item
-item_background => Tk::NORMAL_BG, # change the background for each item
-item_font => '{Arial} 10 {normal}', # change the font for each item
-item_padx => 1, # change the x-padding for each item
-item_pady => 1, # change the y-padding for each item
$gc->set_opt( %opt ); # change options
$gc->get_opt( @keys ); # get option values
$gc->set_data( $data ); # set grid data
$gc->get_data; # get grid data
$gc->set_header( $head ); # set header data
$gc->get_header; # get header data
$gc->set_weight( $m, @cols ); # set column's ( @cols ) weight to $m
$gc->get_weight; # get the actual weight for some columns, unspecified columns have the weight 0
$gc->get_frame; # get the frame the items and the header is gridded on
$gc->get_grid; # get the widget hash, all displayed widgets can get found in this hash
$gc->add_row( @cols ); # add a data row to the GC ( after this operation you should refresh the items )
$gc->refresh_header; # refresh the header
$gc->refresh_items; # refresh the items
$gc->refresh; # refresh header and items
$gc->del_header; # delete the actual header ( after this operation you should refresh the header )
$gc->del_items; # delete the actual items ( after this operation you should refresh the items )
$gc->draw_header; # draw the actual header ( after this operation you should refresh the header )
$gc->draw_items; # draw the actual items ( after this operation you should refresh the items )
# the following is NOT supported
#my $gc = $top -> GridColumns( %opt ); # this is NOT supported
None by default.
Tk::Columns, Tk::MListbox, Tk::Table
Matthias Wienand, <>
Standard Perl license.
Copyright (C) 2008 by Matthias Wienand
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.