Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.02';
=head1 NAME
Class::DBI::ViewLoader - Load views from database tables as Class::DBI objects
use Class::DBI::ViewLoader;
# set up loader object
$loader = new Class::DBI::ViewLoader (
dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb',
username => 'me',
password => 'mypasswd',
options => {
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1
namespace => 'MyClass::View',
exclude => qr(^te(?:st|mp)_)i,
include => qr(_foo$),
import_classes => [qw(
base_classes => [qw(
# create classes
@classes = $loader->load_views;
This class loads views from databases as L<Class::DBI> classes. It follows
roughly the same interface employed by L<Class::DBI::Loader>.
This class behaves as a base class for the database-dependent driver classes,
which are loaded by L<Module::Pluggable>. Objects are reblessed into the
relevant subclass as soon as the driver is discovered, see set_dsn(). Driver
classes should always be named Class::DBI::ViewLoader::E<lt>driver_nameE<gt>.
search_path => __PACKAGE__,
require => 1,
inner => 0
use UNIVERSAL qw( can isa );
use Carp qw( croak confess );
our %handlers = reverse map { /(.*::(.*))/ } __PACKAGE__->plugins();
# Keep a record of all the classes we've created
our %class_cache;
=head2 new
$obj = $class->new(%args)
Instantiates a new object. The values of %args are passed to the relevant set_*
accessors, detailed below. The following 2 statements should be equivalent:
new Class::DBI::ViewLoader ( dsn => $dsn, username => $user );
new Class::DBI::ViewLoader->set_dsn($dsn)->set_username($user);
For compatibilty with L<Class::DBI::Loader>, the following aliases are provided
for use in the arguments to new() only.
=over 4
=item * user -> username
=item * additional_classes -> import_classes
=item * additional_base_classes -> base_classes
=item * constraint -> include
the debug and relationships options will be silently ignored.
new Class::DBI::ViewLoader user => 'me', constraint => '^foo', debug => 1;
Is equivalent to:
new Class::DBI::ViewLoader username => 'me', include => '^foo';
Unrecognised options will cause a fatal error to be raised.
# Class::DBI::Loader compatibility
my %compat = (
user => 'username',
additional_classes => 'import_classes',
additional_base_classes => 'base_classes',
constraint => 'include',
# False values to cause silent skipping
debug => '',
relationships => '',
sub new {
my($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
# Do dsn first, as we may be reblessed
if ($args{dsn}) {
$self->set_dsn(delete $args{dsn});
for my $arg (keys %args) {
if (defined $compat{$arg}) {
# silently skip unsupported Class::DBI::Loader args
my $value = delete $args{$arg};
$arg = $compat{$arg} or next;
$args{$arg} = $value;
if (my $sub = $self->can("set_$arg")) {
&$sub($self, delete $args{$arg});
if (%args) {
# All supported argumnets should have been deleted
my $extra = join(', ', map {"'$_'"} sort keys %args);
croak "Unrecognised arguments in new: $extra";
return $self;
=head2 set_dsn
$obj = $obj->set_dsn($dsn_string)
Sets the datasource for the object. This should be in the form understood by
L<DBI> e.g. "dbi:Pg:dbname=mydb"
Calling this method will rebless the object into a handler class for the given
driver. If no handler is installed, "No handler for driver" will be raised via
sub set_dsn {
my($self, $dsn) = @_;
my($driver) = $dsn =~ /^dbi:(\w+)/;
my $handler = $handlers{$driver};
if ($handler) {
if ($handler->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
$self->{_dsn} = $dsn;
# rebless into handler class
bless $self, $handler;
return $self;
else {
confess "$handler is not a ".__PACKAGE__." subclass";
else {
croak "No handler for driver $driver, from dsn '$dsn'";
=head2 get_dsn
$dsn = $obj->get_dsn
Returns the dsn string, as passed in by set_dsn.
sub get_dsn { $_[0]->{_dsn} }
=head2 set_username
$obj = $obj->set_username($username)
Sets the username to use when connecting to the database.
sub set_username {
my($self, $user) = @_;
# force stringification
$user = "$user" if defined $user;
$self->{_username} = $user;
return $self;
=head2 get_username
$username = $obj->get_username
Returns the username.
sub get_username { $_[0]->{_username} }
=head2 set_password
$obj = $obj->set_password
Sets the password to use when connecting to the database.
sub set_password {
my($self, $pass) = @_;
# force stringification
$pass = "$pass" if defined $pass;
$self->{_password} = $pass;
return $self;
=head2 get_password
$password = $obj->get_password
Returns the password
sub get_password { $_[0]->{_password} }
=head2 set_options
$obj = $obj->set_dbi_options(%opts)
Accepts a hash or a hash reference.
Sets the additional configuration options to pass to L<DBI>.
The hash will be copied internally, to prevent against any accidental
modification after assignment.
sub set_options {
my $self = shift;
my $opts = { ref $_[0] ? %{ $_[0] } : @_ };
$self->{_dbi_options} = $opts;
return $self;
=head2 get_options
\%opts = $obj->get_dbi_options
Returns the DBI options hash. The return value should always be a hash
reference, even if there are no dbi options set.
The reference returned by this function is live, so modification of it directly
affects the object.
sub get_options {
my $self = shift;
# set up an empty options hash if there is none available.
$self->set_options unless $self->{_dbi_options};
return $self->{_dbi_options};
# Return this object's complete arguments to send to DBI.
sub _get_dbi_args {
my $self = shift;
# breaking encapsulation to use hashslice:
return @$self{qw( _dsn _username _password _dbi_options )};
# Return a new DBI handle
# Drivers should use this method to access the database
sub _get_dbi_handle {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_dbh} if $self->{_dbh};
$self->{_dbh} = DBI->connect( $self->_get_dbi_args )
or croak "Couldn't connect to database, $DBI::errstr";
return $self->{_dbh};
sub _clear_dbi_handle {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $self->{_dbh}) {
return $self;
my $self = shift;
=head2 set_namespace
$obj = $obj->set_namespace($namespace)
Sets the namespace to load views into.
sub set_namespace {
my($self, $namespace) = @_;
$namespace =~ s/::$//;
$self->{_namespace} = $namespace;
return $self;
=head2 get_namespace
$namespace = $obj->get_namespace
Returns the target namespace. If not set, returns an empty list.
sub get_namespace {
my $self = shift;
my $out = $self->{_namespace};
if (defined $out and length $out) {
return $out;
else {
=head2 set_include
$obj = $obj->set_include($regexp)
Sets a regexp that matches the views to load.
Accepts strings or Regexps, croaks if any other reference is passed.
The value is stored as a Regexp, even if a string was passed in.
sub set_include {
my($self, $include) = @_;
$self->{_include} = $self->_compile_regex($include);
return $self;
=head2 get_include
$regexp = $obj->get_include
Returns the include regular expression.
Note that this may not be identical to what was passed in.
sub get_include { $_[0]->{_include} }
=head2 set_exclude
$obj = $obj->set_exclude($regexp)
Sets a regexp to use to rule out views.
Accepts strings or Regexps, croaks if any other reference is passed.
The value is stored as a Regexp, even if a string was passed in.
sub set_exclude {
my($self, $exclude) = @_;
$self->{_exclude} = $self->_compile_regex($exclude);
return $self;
=head2 get_exclude
$regexp = $obj->get_exclude
Returns the exclude regular expression.
Note that this may not be identical to what was passed in.
sub get_exclude { $_[0]->{_exclude} }
# Return a compiled regex from a string or regex
sub _compile_regex {
my($self, $regex) = @_;
if (defined $regex) {
if (ref $regex) {
croak "Regexp or string required"
if ref $regex ne 'Regexp';
else {
$regex = qr($regex);
return $regex;
# Apply include and exclude rules to a list of view names
sub _filter_views {
my($self, @views) = @_;
my $include = $self->get_include;
my $exclude = $self->get_exclude;
@views = grep { $_ =~ $include } @views if $include;
@views = grep { $_ !~ $exclude } @views if $exclude;
return @views;
=head2 set_base_classes
$obj = $obj->set_base_classes(@classes)
Sets classes for all generated classes to inherit from.
This is in addition to the class specified by the driver's base_class method,
which will always be the first item in the generated @ISA.
Note that these classes are not loaded for you, be sure C<use> or C<require>
them manually before calling.
sub set_base_classes {
my $self = shift;
# We might get a ref from new()
my @classes = ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} : @_;
$self->{_base_classes} = \@classes;
return $self;
=head2 add_base_classes
$obj = $obj->add_base_classes(@classes)
Appends to the list of base classes.
sub add_base_classes {
my($self, @new) = @_;
return $self->set_base_classes($self->get_base_classes, @new);
=head2 get_base_classes
@classes = $obj->get_base_classes
Returns the list of base classes.
sub get_base_classes { @{$_[0]->{_base_classes} || []} }
=head2 set_import_classes
$obj = $obj->set_import_classes(@classes)
Sets a list of classes to import from. Note that these classes are not loaded by
the generated class itself.
# Load the module first
require Class::DBI::Plugin::RetrieveAll;
# Make generated classes import symbols
Any classes that inherit from Exporter will be loaded via Exporter's export()
function. Any other classes are loaded by an import() in a string eval.
sub set_import_classes {
my $self = shift;
# We might get a ref from new()
my @classes = ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} : @_;
$self->{_import_classes} = \@classes;
return $self;
=head2 add_import_classes
$obj = $obj->add_import_classes(@classes)
Appends to the list of import classes.
sub add_import_classes {
my($self, @new) = @_;
return $self->set_import_classes($self->get_import_classes, @new);
=head2 get_import_classes
@classes = $obj->get_import_classes
sub get_import_classes { @{$_[0]->{_import_classes} || []} }
=head1 METHODS
=head2 load_views
@classes = $obj->load_views
The main method for the class, loads all relevant views from the database and
generates classes for those views.
The generated classes will and be read-only, and have a multi-column primary key
containing every column. This is because it is unlikely that the view will have
a real primary key.
Each class is only ever generated once.
Returns class names for all created classes, including those that already
sub load_views {
my $self = shift;
my @views = $self->get_views;
my @classes;
for my $view ($self->_filter_views(@views)) {
my @cols = $self->get_view_cols($view);
if (@cols) {
push @classes, $self->_create_class($view, @cols);
else {
warn "No columns found in $view, skipping\n";
return @classes;
# Set up the view class.
sub _create_class {
my($self, $view, @columns) = @_;
# Don't load the same class twice
my $class = $self->_view_to_class($view);
return $class if exists $class_cache{$class};
$class_cache{$class} = 1;
no strict 'refs';
my $base = $self->base_class;
@{$class.'::ISA'} = ($base, $self->get_base_classes);
$class->set_db(Main => $self->_get_dbi_args);
# Prevent attempts to write to views
# We probably won't have a primary key,
# use a multi-column primary key containing all rows
$class->columns(Primary => @columns);
return $class;
sub _do_imports {
my($self, $class) = @_;
my @imports = $self->get_import_classes or return $self;
my @manual;
for my $module (@imports) {
if (isa($module, 'Exporter')) {
# use Exporter's export method
elsif (can($module, 'import')) {
# add to list of manually imported classes
push @manual, $module;
else {
warn "$module has no import function\n";
# Load all manual imports in a single string eval.
if (@manual) {
eval "package $class;\n\n".
join("\n", map { "$_->import();" } @manual);
return $self;
# Convert a view name to a class name
sub _view_to_class {
my($self, $view) = @_;
# cribbed from Class::DBI::Loader
$view = join('', map { ucfirst } split(/[\W_]+/, $view));
return join('::', $self->get_namespace, $view);
=head2 _get_dbi_handle
$dbh = $obj->_get_dbi_handle
Returns a DBI handle based on the object's dsn, username and password. This
generally shouldn't be called externally, but is documented for the benefit of
driver writers.
Making multiple calls to this method won't cause multiple connections to be
made. A single handle is cached by the object from the first call to
_get_dbi_handle until such time as the object goes out of scope or set_dsn is
called again, at which time the handle is disconnected and the cache is cleared.
=head1 DRIVERS
The following methods are provided by the relevant driver classes. If they are
called on a native Class::DBI::ViewLoader object (one without a dsn set), they
will cause fatal errors. They are mostly documented here for the benefit of
driver writers but they may prove useful for users also.
=over 4
=item * base_class
$class = $driver->base_class
Should return the name of the base class to be used by generated classes. This
will generally be a Class::DBI driver class.
package Class::DBI::ViewLoader::Pg;
# Generate postgres classes
sub base_class { "Class::DBI::Pg" }
=item * get_views
@views = $driver->get_views;
Should return the names of all the views in the database.
=item * get_view_cols
@columns = $driver->get_view_cols($view);
Returns the names of all the columns in the given view.
A list of these methods is provided by this class, in
@Class::DBI::ViewLoader::driver_methods, so that each driver can be sure that it
is implementing all required methods. The provided t/04..plugin.t is a
self-contained test script that checks a driver for compatibility with the
current version of Class::DBI::ViewLoader, driver writers should be able to copy
the test into their distribution and edit the driver name to provide basic
compliance tests.
our @driver_methods = qw(
my $self = shift;
(my $sub = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
if (grep {$sub eq $_} @driver_methods) {
else {
my $super = "SUPER::$sub";
sub _refer_to_handler {
my($self, $sub) = @_;
my $handler = ref $self;
if ($handler eq __PACKAGE__) {
# We haven't reblessed into a subclass
confess "No handler loaded, try calling set_dsn() first";
else {
confess "$sub not overridden by $handler";
The following fatal errors are raised by this class:
=over 4
=item * No handler for driver %s, from dsn %s";
set_dsn couldn't find a driver handler for the given dsn. You may need to
install a plugin to handle your database.
=item * No handler loaded
load_views() or some other driver-dependent method was called on an object which
hadn't loaded a driver.
=item * %s not overridden
A driver did not override the given method.
=item * Couldn't connect to database
Self-explanatory. The DBI error string is appended to the error message.
=item * Regexp or string required
set_include or set_exclude called with a ref other than 'Regexp'.
=item * Unrecognised arguments in new
new() encountered unsupported arguments. The offending arguments are listed
after the error message.
The following warnings are generated:
=over 4
=item * No columns found in $view, skipping
The view $view didn't have any columns, it won't be loaded.
=item * $module has no import function
The given module from the object's import_classes list couldn't be imported
because it had no import() function.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBI>, L<Class::DBI>, L<Class::DBI::Loader>
=head1 AUTHOR
Matt Lawrence E<lt>mattlaw@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2005 Matt Lawrence, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.