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use strict;
# compatible use warnings
BEGIN{ if (not $] < 5.006) { require warnings; warnings->import } }
use lib 't/lib';
use IO::CaptureOutput qw(capture);
use Config;
my($debug, $stdout, $stderr) = ($ENV{DEVEL_CHECKLIB_DEBUG} || 0);
my $libdir;
eval "use Devel::CheckLib";
if($@ =~ /Couldn't find your C compiler/) { #'
plan skip_all => "Couldn't find your C compiler";
eval "use Helper qw(create_testlib)";
if($libdir = create_testlib("bazbam")) {
plan tests => 3;
} else {
plan skip_all => "Couldn't build a library to test against";
my $runtime = '-l'.(
$^O eq 'MSWin32' # if Win32 (not Cygwin) ...
? (
$Config{cc} =~ /(^|^\w+ )bcc/
? 'cc3250' # ... Borland
: 'msvcrt' # ... otherwise assume Microsoft
: 'm' # default to Unix-style
my $rval = undef;
my @args = (qq{LIBS=$runtime});
sub { $rval = system(
"print @ARGV;assert_lib(debug => $debug)",
ok($stderr eq '' && defined($rval) && $rval == 0, "linked OK: ".join(', ', @args)) || diag("\tSTDOUT: $stdout\n\tSTDERR: $stderr\n");
$rval = undef;
@args = map { "LIBS=$_" } ($runtime, '-lbazbam', "-L$libdir");
sub { $rval = system(
"print @ARGV;assert_lib(debug => $debug)",
ok($stderr eq '' && defined($rval) && $rval == 0, "linked OK: ".join(', ', @args)) || diag("\tSTDOUT: $stdout\n\tSTDERR: $stderr\n");
$rval = undef;
@args = (qq{"LIBS=$runtime -lbazbam -L$libdir"});
sub { $rval = system(
"print @ARGV;assert_lib(debug => $debug)",
ok($stderr eq '' && defined($rval) && $rval == 0, "linked OK: ".join(', ', @args)) || diag("\tSTDOUT: $stdout\n\tSTDERR: $stderr\n");