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package Helper;
use strict;
# compatible use warnings
BEGIN{ if (not $] < 5.006) { require warnings; warnings->import } }
use Config;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile canonpath splitdir/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use vars qw/@EXPORT @ISA/;
@ISA = qw/Exporter/;
@EXPORT = qw(
my $orig_wd = cwd;
BEGIN { require Devel::CheckLib; } # for _quiet_system()
sub _quiet_system {
goto &Devel::CheckLib::_quiet_system;
# create_testlib( 'bazbam' )
# takes a library name and compiles a simple library with two functions,
# foo() (which returns 0) and libversion() (which returns 42), in a temp
# directory and returns the temp directory. Returns undef if something
# went wrong
sub create_testlib {
my ($libname) = (@_);
return unless $libname;
my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1, TEMPLATE => "Devel-Assert-testlib-XXXXXXXX");
chdir $tempdir;
my $code_fh = IO::File->new("${libname}.c", ">");
print {$code_fh} "int libversion() { return 42; }\nint foo() { return 0; }\n";
my $cc = $Config{cc};
my $gccv = $Config{gccversion};
my $rv =
$cc eq 'gcc' ? _gcc_lib( $libname ) :
$cc eq 'cc' ? _gcc_lib( $libname ) :
$cc eq 'cl' ? _cl_lib( $libname ) :
$gccv ? _gcc_lib( $libname ) :
undef ;
chdir $orig_wd;
return $rv ? canonpath($tempdir) : undef;
sub _gcc_lib {
my ($libname) = @_;
my $cc = find_compiler() or return;
my $ar = find_binary('ar') or return;
my $ranlib = find_binary('ranlib') or return;
my $ccflags = $Config{ccflags};
_quiet_system("$cc $ccflags -c ${libname}.c") and return;
_quiet_system("$ar rc lib${libname}.a ${libname}.o") and return;
_quiet_system("$ranlib lib${libname}.a") and return;
return -f "lib${libname}.a"
sub _cl_lib {
my ($libname) = @_;
my $cc = find_compiler() or return;
my $ar = find_binary('lib') or return;
_quiet_system($cc, '/c', "${libname}.c") and return;
_quiet_system($ar, "${libname}.obj") and return;
return -f "${libname}.lib";
# find_binary, find_compiler
# Returns absolute path to an executable file in $ENV{PATH} or undef
# if it can't be found. find_binary() takes a program argument;
# find_compiler takes no arguments and just returns the path to $Config{cc}
sub find_binary {
my ($program) = @_;
if ($Config{_exe} && $program !~ /$Config{_exe}$/) {
$program .= $Config{_exe};
return $program if -x $program;
my @search_paths = split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH};
my @lib_search_paths = map lib_to_bin($_), split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{LIBRARY_PATH}||'';
for my $path ( @search_paths, @lib_search_paths ) {
my $binary = catfile( $path, $program );
return $binary if -x $binary;
sub lib_to_bin {
my ( $lib_dir ) = @_;
my @parts = splitdir $lib_dir;
pop @parts;
push @parts, 'bin';
my $bin_dir = catfile(@parts);
return $bin_dir;
sub find_compiler {
return find_binary($Config{cc});
1; # must be true