Growl::GNTP - Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol (Client Part)
use Growl::GNTP;
my $growl = Growl::GNTP->new(AppName => "my perl app");
{ Name => "foo", },
{ Name => "bar", },
Name => "foo",
Title => "my notify",
Message => "my message",
Icon => "",
Growl::GNTP is Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol (Client Part)
- new ( ARGS )
Initialize Growl::GNTP object. You can set few parameter of IO::Socket::INET. and application name will be given 'Growl::GNTP' if you does not specify it.
PeerHost # 'localhost' PeerPort # 23053 AppName # 'Growl::GNTP' AppIcon # '' Password # '' PasswordHashAlgorithm # 'MD5' EncryptAlgorithm # ''
- register ( [ARGS] )
Register notification definition. You should be specify ARRAY reference of HASH reference like a following.
{ Name => 'MY_GROWL_NOTIFY', DisplayName => 'My Growl Notify', Enabled => 'True', Icon => '' }
- notify ( ARGS )
Notify item. You should be specify HASH reference like a following.
{ Name => 'Warn', # name of notification Title => 'Foo!', Message => 'Bar!', Icon => '', CallbackTarget => '', # Used for causing a HTTP/1.1 GET request exactly as specificed by this URL. Exclusive of CallbackContext CallbackContextType => time, # type of the context CallbackContext => 'Time', CallbackFunction => sub { warn 'callback!' }, # should only be used when a callback in use, and CallbackContext in use. ID => '', # allows for overriding/updateing an existing notification when in use, and discriminating between alerts of the same Name Custom => { CustomHeader => 'value' }, # These will be added as custom headers as X-KEY : value, where 'X-' is prefixed to the key Priority => 0, # -2 .. 2 low -> severe Sticky => 'False' }
And callback function is given few arguments.
CallbackFunction => sub { my ($result, $type, $context, $id, $timestamp) = @_; print "$result: $context ($type)\n"; }
- wait ( WAIT_ALL )
Wait callback items. If WAIT_ALL is not 0, this function wait all callbacks as CLICK, CLOSED, TIMEOUT.
- subscribe ( ARGS )
Subscribe notification. You should be specify HASH reference like a following.
{ Port => 23054, Password => 'secret', CallbackFunction => sub { my ($Title, $Message) = @_; print decode_utf8($Title),",",decode_utf8($Message),"\n"; }, }
Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>
Net::Growl, Net::GrowlClient, Mac::Growl,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.