Changes for version 2.002 - 2023-04-01
- Provide //= for default arguments that are also used when the caller passes in undef.
- Provide more type combinators in parameter declarations: In addition to | (union types), now ~ & / are also supported (for complement types, intersection types, and alternative types, respectively).
- Enable type coercions. If a parameter has a declared type and that type supports coercions ($type->has_coercion returns true), call its ->coerce($value) method to transform arguments before type checking.
- Enable inline type checks. If a parameter has a declared type and that type supports inlining ($type->can_be_inlined returns true), its inline code (as provided by ->inline_check('$value')) is baked into the function definition instead of a call to ->check($value). This may speed up type checks.
- Move a big chunk of tests to xt/ (author testing only).
- Remove xt/ from the distribution.
- Enable parallel testing by default (with -j4).
define functions and methods with parameter lists ("subroutine signatures")
Information about parameter lists
in lib/Function/Parameters/