

Perl extension for performing nmap ( scans.

use Nmap::Scanner;

#  Batch scan method

my $scanner = new Nmap::Scanner;
my $results = $scanner->scan();

#  Event scan method

my $scanner = new Nmap::Scanner;

sub scan_started {

  my $self     = shift;
  my $hostname = shift;
  my $ip       = shift;
  my $status   = shift;

  print "$hostname ($ip) is $status\n";


sub port_found {

  my $self     = shift;
  my $hostname = shift;
  my $ip       = shift;
  my $port     = shift;

  my $port_num = $port->number();
  my $port_svc = $port->service();
  my $port_st  = $port->state();
  my $port_pr  = $port->protocol();

  print "$hostname ($ip): $port_svc ($port_num:$port_pr) is $port_st\n";



This set of modules provides perl class wrappers for the network mapper (nmap) scanning tool (see Using these modules, a developer, network administrator, or other techie can create perl routines or classes which can be used to automate and integrate nmap scans elegantly into new and existing perl scripts.

If you don't have nmap installed, you will need to download it BEFORE you can use these modules. Get it from


The module set consists of a Scanner class and many classes that support the scanner and encapsulate the data output by nmap as it scans. The class that you will likely use most often is Nmap::Scanner. This class encapsulates the nmap scanner options and `drives' the scan process. It provides a convenience constructor that will instantiate an instance of Nmap::Scanner::Scanner for you.

Scans can be done in two modes using this module set: batch mode and event mode.

Batch mode scanning

In batch mode the scan is set up and executed and the results are returned in an Nmap::Scanner::Backend::Results object. This object contains information about the scan and a list of the found host objects (instances of Nmap::Scanner::Host). Each host contains a list of found ports on that host (instances of Nmap::Scanner::Port). No information is returned to the user until the entire scan is complete.

Event mode scanning

In event mode the user registers interest in one or more scan events by passing a reference to a callback function to one or more event registration functions. The scanner then calls the callback function during a specifc phase of the scan. It passes the function arguments describing what has happened and the data found.

Each function is also passed a reference to the current object instance of Nmap::Scanner::Scanner (or a subclass of Nmap::Scanner::Scanner) as the FIRST argument so that subclasses with instance-specific data can be easily created (see the Nmap::Scanner::Util package for examples).

There are four events that a user can register for: scan started event, host closed event, no ports open event, port found event, and scan complete event. The scan started event occurs at the beginning of the scan process for EACH host specified with add_target(). The host closed event is called if a specified host is found to be unavailable via whatever type of ping has been specified. The no ports open event is triggered if no ports are found to be open on a scanned host. The port found event is called when a port IS found to be open on a host. The scan complete event is called as soon as the scan of a host specified as a target with add_target() is complete.


Nmap::Scanner parses the output from nmap; I hope someday someone creates a dynamic shared object library out of nmap so this module can be ported to optionally use native calls and thereby speed up performance and decrease the likelihood of parsing issues as nmap versions change.

The current set of modules parses the output from "-oN" (`normal' output) ... I hope to someday add in support for parsing the XML output but didn't have time to do that initially.


Special thanks to Fyodor ( for creating such a useful tool and to all the developers and contributors who constantly work to improve and fine-tune nmap for grateful users like me!


Many, I am sure! A HUGE one is there is currently NO error handling. That is my top priority for the next major version of this. The other big one is not supporting XML output. That too is one for the next revision.

Please keep in mind that the API for this software may CHANGE and that this is not a complete implementation of nmap in perl!


Max Schubert,


This software is released under the same license and terms as perl itself.

