Install - build and installation instructions
Installing wxWidgets
Installing Alien::wxWidgets
Please note that the steps below can be repeated multiple times in order install multiple configurations (differing for the wxWidgets version, compiler, compiler version, debug/unicode settings).
Unices and Mac OS X
Important: either wx-config must be in the PATH or the WX_CONFIG environment variable must be set to the full path to wx-config. The environment WX_CONFIG variable can also be used to specify a different wx-config.
perl Build.PL
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install
<add your compiler to the path>
<build wxWidgets>
set WXDIR=C:\Path\to\wxWidgets
perl Build.PL [--debug] [--unicode] [--mslu]
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install
Important: the command line options to Build.PL must match the build settings used to build wxWidgets.