—#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
protoc-gen-perl-gpd - protoc plugin for Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic
protoc --perl-gpd_out=package=Foo.Bar:lib foo.proto
protoc --perl-gpd_out=package=Foo.Bar,check_enum_values:lib foo.proto
protoc --perl-gpd_out=package=Foo.Bar,no_check_enum_values:lib foo.proto
This F<protoc> plugin generates wrapper modules for protobuf messages,
to avoid the need of shipping F<.proto> files with a
Note that since protoc command-line parsing reserves the colon as a
separator between options list and output directory, the dot is used
as a package separator for both protobuf and Perl packages.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 package=PACKAGE
Specifies the output package/file (C<package=Foo.Bar> creates a module
named F<Foo/Bar.pm> under the output directory).
If no explicit mapping is specified, protobuf packages are
automatically mapped to Perl packages under the main package (e.g. protobuf
package C<baz> will be mapped to C<Foo::Bar::Baz>).
=head2 map_package=PACKAGE,prefix=PREFIX[,OPTIONS]
Equivalent to the C<package> mapping of L<Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic/map>.
The C<prefix> sub-option is mandatory.
C<OPTIONS> is a comma-separated list, see L</Mapping options> for
available options.
=head2 pb_prefix=PACKAGE,prefix=PREFIX[,OPTIONS]
Equivalent to the C<pb_prefix> mapping of L<Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic/map>.
The C<prefix> sub-option is mandatory.
C<OPTIONS> is a comma-separated list, see L</Mapping options> for
available options.
=head2 Mapping options
The following options map one to one to the C<options> key of
L<Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic/map>. When specified before the
first mapping, they are applied to all mappings.
Boolean options: C<implicit_maps>, C<use_bigints>, C<check_required_fields>,
C<explicit_defaults>, C<encode_defaults>, C<check_enum_values>,
C<generic_extension_methods>. When specified they set the option value
to 1, when prefixed with C<no_> (e.g. C<no_use_bigints>) they set the
option value to 0.
String options: C<accessor_style>, C<client_services> set the
corresponding option to the specified value