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Fast and complete Perl protobuf implementation using uPB and Google .proto parser

Example usage

$dynamic = Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic->new;
$dynamic->load_string("person.proto", <<'EOT');
syntax = "proto2";
package humans;
message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
$dynamic->map({ package => 'humans', prefix => 'Humans' });
# encoding/decoding
$person = Humans::Person->decode("\x0a\x03foo\x10\x1f");
$person = Humans::Person->decode_json('{"id":31,"name":"John Doe"}');
$bytes = Humans::Person->encode($person);
$bytes = Humans::Person->encode_json($person);
# field accessors
$person = Humans::Person->new;
$id = $person->get_id;

See the full documentation on MetaCPAN.


This module provides a complete Protocol Buffers implementation for Perl: it supports both proto2 and proto3 syntax, and it supports gRPC client/server generation using Grpc::XS as the transport (other transports can be added).

Since Google C++ library is used for Protocol Buffer parsing and loading, the full protocol buffers syntax is supported. Serialization/deserialization uses uPB, because it provides a better interface for the specific task of creating a protobuf library for a dynamic language.


There is a simple benchmark script in scripts/ it only tests a small subset of features, and the exact speed difference is going to depend heavily on the exact shape of the data and the protobuf schema. As expected, Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic is much faster than the pure-Perl Google::ProtocolBuffers implementation. JSON::XS and Sereal are included only as speed reference: the feature set of Protocol Buffers, JSON and Sereal is different enough that one can't be used as a drop-in for the other.

Example results, running on Perl 5.20 on an Intel i7-3537U

                 Rate protobuf_pp    protobuf      sereal        json
protobuf_pp   95467/s          --        -91%        -95%        -95%
protobuf    1071850/s       1023%          --        -47%        -47%
sereal      2025658/s       2022%         89%          --         -0%
json        2029876/s       2026%         89%          0%          --

                 Rate protobuf_pp        json    protobuf      sereal
protobuf_pp   64576/s          --        -85%        -90%        -95%
json         420872/s        552%          --        -37%        -67%
protobuf     670690/s        939%         59%          --        -47%
sereal      1274310/s       1873%        203%         90%          --

Encoder (arrays)
               Rate protobuf_pp    protobuf        json      sereal
protobuf_pp   853/s          --        -97%        -98%        -99%
protobuf    33184/s       3789%          --        -15%        -64%
json        39009/s       4471%         18%          --        -58%
sereal      92839/s      10780%        180%        138%          --

Decoder (arrays)
               Rate protobuf_pp    protobuf        json      sereal
protobuf_pp   519/s          --        -95%        -97%        -97%
protobuf    10987/s       2019%          --        -28%        -41%
json        15175/s       2827%         38%          --        -18%
sereal      18618/s       3491%         69%         23%          --