The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Web::Sitemap;
our $VERSION = '0.04';
=head1 NAME
Web::Sitemap - Simple way to generate sitemap files with paging support.
Each instance of the class Web::Sitemap is manage of one index file.
Now it always use Gzip compress.
use Web::Sitemap;
my $sm = Web::Sitemap->new(
output_dir => '/path/for/sitemap',
# Options
loc_prefix => '',
prefix => 'sitemap.',
default_tag => 'my_tag',
index_name => 'sitemap.xml'
# When adding a new portion of URL, you can specify a label for the file in which these will be URL
$sm->add(\@url_list1, {tag => 'articles'});
$sm->add(\@url_list2, {tag => 'users'});
# If in the process of filling the file number of URL's will exceed the limit of 50 000 URL or the file size is larger than 10MB, the file will be rotate
$sm->add(\@url_list3, {tag => 'articles'});
# After calling finish() method will create an index file, which will link to files with URL's
use strict;
use utf8;
use constant {
URL_LIMIT => 50000,
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT => 10*1024*1024,
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MIN => 1024*1024,
DEFAULT_PREFIX => 'sitemap.',
DEFAULT_TAG => 'tag',
DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME => 'sitemap.xml',
XML_HEAD => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
XML_MAIN_NAMESPACE => 'xmlns=""'
sub new {
my ($class, %p) = @_;
my $self = {
output_dir => $p{output_dir},
loc_prefix => $p{loc_prefix} || '',
tags => {},
gzip => $p{gzip} || 1,
url_limit => $p{url_limit} || URL_LIMIT,
file_size_limit => $p{file_size_limit} || FILE_SIZE_LIMIT,
prefix => $p{prefix} || DEFAULT_PREFIX,
default_tag => $p{default_tag} || DEFAULT_TAG,
index_name => $p{index_name} || DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME
if ($self->{file_size_limit} < FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MIN) {
$self->{file_size_limit} = FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MIN;
unless (-w $self->{output_dir}) {
die "Can't write to output_dir: ". $self->{output_dir};
return bless $self, $class;
sub add {
my ($self, $url_list, %p) = @_;
my $tag = $p{tag} || DEFAULT_TAG;
unless (ref $url_list eq 'ARRAY') {
die 'Web::Sitemap::add($url_list): $url_list must be array ref';
for my $url (@$url_list) {
if ($self->_file_limit_near($tag)) {
my $fh = $self->_file_handle($tag);
my $data = Web::Sitemap::Url->new($url)->to_xml_string;
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file_size} += length $data;
sub finish {
my ($self, %p) = @_;
return unless keys %{$self->{tags}};
open INDEX_FILE, '>'. $self->{output_dir}. '/'. $self->{index_name} or die "Can't open file! $!\n";
printf INDEX_FILE "\n<sitemapindex %s>\n", XML_MAIN_NAMESPACE;
while (my ($tag, $data) = each %{$self->{tags}}) {
for my $page (1..$data->{page}) {
printf INDEX_FILE "<sitemap><loc>%s%s</loc></sitemap>\n", $self->{loc_prefix}, $self->_file_name($tag, $page);
print INDEX_FILE "</sitemapindex>";
sub _file_limit_near {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $self->{tags}->{$tag};
#printf("tag: %s.%d; url: %d; gzip_size: %d (%d)\n",
# $tag,
# $self->{tags}->{$tag}->{page},
# $self->{tags}->{$tag}->{url_count},
# $self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file_size},
# $self->{file_size_limit}
return (
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{url_count} >= $self->{url_limit}
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file_size} >= $self->{file_size_limit}
sub _set_new_file {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file} = Web::Sitemap::File->new($self->_file_name($tag));
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file}->append(sprintf("%s\n<urlset %s>\n", XML_HEAD, XML_MAIN_NAMESPACE));
sub _file_handle {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
unless (exists $self->{tags}->{$tag}) {
$self->{tags}->{$tag} = {
page => 1,
url_count => 0,
file_size => 0
return $self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file};
sub _next_file {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{url_count} = 0;
$self->{tags}->{$tag}->{file_size} = 0;
sub _close_file {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
sub _file_name {
my ($self, $tag, $page) = @_;
return $self->{prefix}. $tag. '.'. ($page || $self->{tags}->{$tag}->{page}). '.xml'. ($self->{gzip} ? '.gz' : '');
Also support for Google images format:
my @img_urls = (
# Foramt 1
loc => '',
images => {
caption_format => sub {
my ($iterator_value) = @_;
return sprintf('Вася - фото %d', $iterator_value);
loc_list => [
# Foramt 2
loc => '',
images => {
caption_format_simple => 'Вася - фото',
loc_list => ['', '']
# Format 3
loc => '',
images => {
loc_list => [
{ loc => '', caption => 'image #1' },
{ loc => '', caption => 'image #2' },
{ loc => '', caption => 'image #3' },
{ loc => '', caption => 'image #4' }
# Result:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<caption><![CDATA[Вася - фото 1]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[Вася - фото 2]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[Вася - фото 1]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[Вася - фото 2]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[image #1]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[image #2]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[image #3]]></caption>
<caption><![CDATA[image #4]]></caption>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mikhail N Bogdanov C<< <mbogdanov at > >>