- add @EMAIL
Adds email addresses to the filter. You can either add email addresses directly, or add the output of a sha1_base64 hash.
- check ARGS
Checks the provided arg list against the bloom filter, and returns a list of equivalent length, with true or false values depending on whether there was a match. Takes either email addresses or sha1_base64 hashes as args.
- clear
Removes all addresses from the filter
- build_filter
Builds a bloom filter and stores it internally
- on_bits
Returns the number of 'on' bits in the bloom filter
- get_salts
Returns the current list of salts
- set_salts ARRAY
Sets the salts to be used with this filter
- set_error_rate RATE
Sets the maximum false positive rate on the filter to RATE. RATE must be a number between 0 and 1.
- _make_bitmask
Given a key, hash it using the list of salts and return a bitmask the same length as the Bloom filter. Note that Perl will pad the bitmask out with zeroes so it's a muliple of 8.
- _calculate_filter_length
Using the stored information for number of salts, number of items, and desired error rate, calculate how long to make the filter string to ensure the error rate stays within bounds.
Maciej Ceglowski <>
(c) 2004 Maciej Ceglowski, Joshua Schachter
This is free software, distributed under version 2 of the GNU Public License (GPL). See LICENSE for full text.