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0.09077 (up to Minion 9.07/100+minor)


Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers - does extend base Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion on manage Minion workers.


# Mojolicious (define amount workers in config)
$self->plugin('Minion::Workers' => {Pg => ..., workers=>2, run=>1, });
# or pass to $app->minion->workers->manage(<num>) for run later
$self->plugin('Minion::Workers' => {Pg => ...});

# Mojolicious::Lite (define amount workers in config)
plugin 'Minion::Workers' => {Pg => ..., workers=>2};

# Add tasks to your application
app->minion->add_task(something_slow => sub {
  my ($job, @args) = @_;
  sleep 5;
  say 'This is a background worker process.';

# But you can define tasks in config as well
$self->plugin('Minion::Workers' => {Pg => ..., tasks => { foo_task => sub { ... }, }, });

# Start manage with amount workers
# or get from config

# Start jobs from anywhere in your application


Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers is a Mojolicious plugin for the Minion job queue and has extending base Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion for enable workers managment.

Extend base plugin config

Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers apply all config options of the base plugin Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion, and define following:

workers => <integer>

Amount of Minion workers need to start/restart. This value can be overriden on $app-minion->workers->manage(...) >.

..., workers => 4, ...

run => <boolean>

Start/restart Minion workers during plugin registration. Defaults to false. If this option is not set then you can start workers by $app-minion->workers->manage() > see below.

tasks = > <hashref>

You can define Minion tasks in config.

..., tasks => {foo_task => sub { ... }, ...},

Pg => <connection url> | <Mojo::Pg object> | <coderef>

If config parameter Pg is a coderef then returned value of $conf-{Pg} = $conf->{Pg}->($app); > will assigned to Pg.

..., Pg => sub { my $app = shift; ... }, ...

Manage workers

Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers add attr workers to the $app->minion object. $app->minion->workers object has following public methods.

manage(integer amount)

Start/restart Minion passed amount workers or get its from plugin config. None workers mean skip managment.


Tested on standard shell commands (on Linux):

$ perl script/ daemon       # one minion worker will be starting
$ perl script/ prefork        # your amount minion workers will be starting
$ morbo script/                 # when morbo restarts on watch changes one minion worker will be restarting too
$ hypnotoad script/           # your amount minion workers will be starting
$ hypnotoad script/           # on hot deploy minion workers will be restarting too
$ hypnotoad -s script/        # minion workers will stoping too

NOTE. For shell commands $ morbo script/ and $ perl script/ daemon amount workers always one process.

NOTE. In case shell commands C <$ hypnotoad script/ > and $ kill -USR2 app_pid minion workers will not restarts, sorry. Always use hot deploy command $ hypnotoad script/ .

BIG NOTE. When minion workers restarts (hypnotoad | morbo) then ALL exists minion processes stoped. So if you run many separate apps with one database backend then dont use this module. Or set separate backend databases as well.


Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers enable all helpers through base plugin Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion, thus you dont need apply base plugin (auto register).


Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Workers inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion and override the following new ones.


$plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, {Pg => ..., worker=>1});

Register plugin in Mojolicious application.


Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion, Minion, Mojolicious::Guides,


Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), <mche[-at-]>


Please report any bugs or feature requests at Pull requests also welcome.


Copyright 2019+ Mikhail Che.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.