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Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI - Generate routes from sql-table, make authentication and make restrict access (authorization) to route with users/roles tables. Plugin makes an auth operations throught the plugin Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication on which is based.


    dbh => $app->dbh,
    auth => {...},
    access => {...},
    admin => {...},


  • dbh - handler DBI connection where are tables: routes, users, roles, refs.

  • auth - hashref options pass to base plugin Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication. By default the option:

    current_user_fn => 'auth_user',

    The options:

    load_user => \&load_user,
    validate_user => \&validate_user,

    are imported from package access module. See below.

  • access - hashref options for special access module. This module has subs and methods for manage auth and access operations, has appling routes from sql-table. By default plugin will load the builtin module:

    access => {
        module => 'Access',
        namespace => 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI',

    You might define your own module by passing options:

    access => {
        module => 'Foo',
        namespace => 'Bar::Baz', 

    See Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Access for detail options list.

  • admin - hashref options for admin controller for actions on SQL tables routes, roles, users. By default the builtin module:

    admin => {
        controller => 'Access',
        namespace => 'Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI',

    You might define your own controller by passing options:

    admin => {
        controller => 'Foo',
        namespace => 'Bar::Baz', 

    See Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Admin for detail options list.


See Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Install.

SQL schema (Postgresql)

See Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::PgSQL.

Example routing table records

HTTP method(s) (optional)
and the URL (space delim)
                           Contoller    Method          Route Name        Auth
-------------------------  -----------  --------------  ----------------- -----
GET /city/new              City         new_form        city_new_form     1
GET /city/:id              City         show            city_show         1
GET /city/edit/:id         City         edit_form       city_edit_form    1
GET /cities                City         index           city_index        1
POST /city                 City         save            city_save         1
GET /city/delete/:id       City         delete_form     city_delete_form  1
DELETE /city/:id           City         delete          city_delete       1
/                          Home         index           home_index        0
get post /foo/baz          Foo          baz             foo_baz           1

It table will generate the Mojolicious routes:

# GET /city/new 
$r->route('/city/new')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'new_form')->name('city_new_form');

# GET /city/123 - show item with id 123
$r->route('/city/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'show')->name('city_show');

# GET /city/edit/123 - form to edit an item
$r->route('/city/edit/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'edit_form')->name('city_edit_form');

# GET /cities - list of all items
$r->route('/cities')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'index')->name('cities_index');

# POST /city - create new item or update the item
$r->route('/city')->via('post')->to(controller => 'city', action => 'save')->name('city_save');

# GET /city/delete/123 - form to confirm delete an item id=123
$r->route('/city/delete/:id')->via('get')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'delete_form')->name('city_delete_form');

# DELETE /city/123 - delete an item id=123
$r->route('/city/:id')->via('delete')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'city', action => 'delete')->name('city_delete');
# without HTTP method and no auth restrict
$r->route('/')->to(controller => 'Home', action => 'index')->name('home_index');
# GET or POST /foo/baz 
$r->route('/foo/baz')->via('GET', 'post')->over(<access>)->to(controller => 'Foo', action => 'baz')->name('foo_baz');


If you changed the routes table then kill -HUP or reload app to regenerate routes. Changing assess not require reloading the service.


Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication, Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization


Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), <mche [on] cpan.org>


Please report any bugs or feature requests at https://github.com/mche/Mojolicious-Plugin-RoutesAuthDBI/issues. Pull requests also welcome.


Copyright 2016 Mikhail Che.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.