POD ERRORS here is normal because DBIx::POS::Template used.
Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesAuthDBI::Schema - DB schema (PostgreSQL).
See https://github.com/mche/Mojolicious-Plugin-RoutesAuthDBI/blob/master/Diagram.svg
DB design
-- set search_path = "{% $schema %}";
-- you may change schema name for PostgreSQL objects
CREATE SEQUENCE {% $sequence %};-- one sequence for all tables id
Routes table
CREATE TABLE "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{routes} %}" (
id integer default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
request character varying not null,
name character varying not null unique,
descr text null,
auth varchar null,
-- was bit(1): alter table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{routes} %}" alter column auth type varchar;
disable bit(1) null,
-- interval_ts - смещение ts (seconds) для приоритета маршрута, т.е. влияет на сортровку маршрутов
interval_ts int null
-- was order_by int null; alter table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{routes} %}" rename column order_by to interval_ts;
Namespaces table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{namespaces} %}" (
id integer default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
namespace character varying not null unique,
descr text null,
-- alter table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{namespaces} %}" add column app_ns bit(1) null;
app_ns bit(1) null,
-- interval_ts - смещение ts (seconds) для приоритета namespace
interval_ts int null
-- alter table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{namespaces} %}" add column interval_ts int null;
Controllers table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{controllers} %}" (
id integer default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
controller character varying not null,
descr text null
Actions table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{actions} %}" (
id integer default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
action character varying not null,
callback text null,
descr text null
Logins table
Its logins table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{logins} %}" (
id int default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
login varchar not null unique,
pass varchar not null,
disable bit(1)
Profiles table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{profiles} %}" (
id int default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
names text[] not null,
disable bit(1)
Roles table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{roles} %}" (
id int default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
name varchar not null unique,
disable bit(1)
Refs table
create table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{refs} %}" (
id int default nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) not null primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone default now() not null,
id1 int not null,
id2 int not null,
unique(id1, id2)
create index on "{% $schema %}".refs (id2);
Oauth sites
Конфиг внешних сайтов, используемых в проекте
create table IF NOT EXISTS "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_sites} %}" (
id integer not null DEFAULT nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) primary key,-- sequence!
name varchar not null unique,
conf jsonb not null -- тут ключи приложений
Oauth users
Oauth пользователи
create table IF NOT EXISTS "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_users} %}" (
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('{% $sequence %}'::regclass) primary key,
ts timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
site_id int not null,
user_id varchar not null, --
profile jsonb,
profile_ts timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
unique (site_id, user_id)
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{refs} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{logins} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{profiles} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{roles} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{routes} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{controllers} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{actions} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{namespaces} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_sites} %}";
drop table "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_users} %}";
drop sequence {% $sequence %};
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{refs} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{logins} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{profiles} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{roles} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{routes} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{controllers} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{namespaces} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{actions} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_sites} %}";
delete from "{% $schema %}"."{% $tables{oauth_users} %}";
42 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 48:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 50:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 52:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 60:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 62:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 64:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 72:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 74:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 76:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 94:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 96:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 98:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 114:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 116:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 118:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 129:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 131:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 133:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 145:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 147:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 151:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 163:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 165:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 167:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 178:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 180:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 182:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 193:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 195:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 199:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 212:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 214:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 218:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 228:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 230:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 234:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 308:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 310:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 312:
Unknown directive: =sql
- Around line 343:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 345:
Unknown directive: =desc
- Around line 347:
Unknown directive: =sql