Perl::Hypotext - evaluate perl code embedded in text.


use Perl::Hypotext;

# you can any argumnets at initialization
my $t = Perl::Hypotext->new({});

my $template = q{
  Yo nombre es [- $name -].
  I am [- $age -] years old.    	

# initialize a couple vars in package 'main'
my $name = 'Steve';
my $age  = 31;

# parse defaults to package 'main' (unless a hash has been loaded)
print $t->parse({
    text	=> $text

# or...use a hash ( slower, but MUCH easier to work with )

my %hash = (
  name => 'Steve',
  age  => 31

print $t->parse({
    text	=> $text,
    hash	=> \%hash

# ...or however you like it, as long as text and hash or package name 
# is loaded before or when parse() is called.


Perl::Hypotext a module for evaluating perl embedded in text. The perl can be evaluated under a specified package, or under a package built from a provided hash.



Initializes a Perl::Hypotext object. Pass parameter as a hash reference. Optionally pass: delimiters, hash, package, text, file, inline_errs (see descriptions below).


Installs values identified by a given hash reference into a package under which to evaluate perl tokens.


Install the text to be parsed as the template.


Specify a file containing the text to be parsed as the template.


Specify how to handle error messages generated during the evaluation of perl tokens. a true value = inline, a flase value = ignore.


Set the package name under which to evaluate the extracted perl. If used in concert with a hash, the package name must be set prior to installation of a hash.


Runs the parser. Optionally accepts parameters as specified for new();.


Returns the fully parsed and evaluated text.


0.26 - Bug Fix: Internal package cleanup now works correctly when using hashes. REALLY! 0.25 - Name Change: Was stomping on a Template Toolkit module. Doh! 0.24 - Bug Fix: Internal package cleanup now works correctly when using hashes. 0.23 - Can now specify a package underwhich to install a hash (was explicitly 'Safe'). This also means that the package name must be set prior to or at the time of installation of a hash, or not at all.

Changed default delimiters to '<?' and '?>' (was '[-' and '-]').


Steve McKay,


Copyright 2000-2001 Steve McKay. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Parse::Tokens, Text::Template, Text::SimpleTemplate