simple_scan - scan a set of Web pages for strings present/absent


App::SimpleScan - Mini-language for website testing


simple_scan [--generate] [--run] {file file file ...}


# Run the tests in the files supplied on the command line.
# --run (or -run; we're flexible) is assumed if you give no switches.
% simple_scan file1 file2 file3

# Generate a set of tests and save them, then run them.
% <complex pipe> | simple_scan --generate > pipe_scan.t

# Run one simple test
% echo " yahoo Y Look for"  | simple_scan -run


simple_scan reads either files supplied on the command line, or standard input. It creates and runs, or prints, or even both, a Test::WWW::Simple test for the criteria supplied to it.

simple_scan's input should be in the following format:

<URL> <pattern> <Y|N> <comment>

The URL is any URL; pattern is a Perl regular expression, delimited by slashes; Y|N is Y if the pattern should match, or N if the pattern should not match; and comment is any arbitrary text you like (as long as it's all on the same line as everything else).

simple_scanwill do its best to try to interpret your pattern; if it can't parse it as a regular expression, it will assume you meant to match against a literal character string instead; so a pattern like


Would be interpreted as the literal string "<b>this</b>".


We use Getopt::Long to get the command-line options, so we're really very flexible as to how they're entered. You can use either one dash (as in -foo) or two (as in --bar). You only need to enter the minimum number or characters to match a given switch.


--run tells simple_scan to immediately run the tests it's created. Can be abbreviated to -r.

This option is mosst useful for one-shot tests that you're not planning to run repeatedly.


--generate tells simple_scan to print the test it's generated on the standard output.

This option is useful to build up a test suite to be reused later.

Both -r and -g can be specified at the same time to run a test and print it simultaneously; this is useful when you want to save a test to be run later as well as right now without having to regenerate the test.


Pragmas are ways to influence what simple_scan does when generating tests. They don't output anything themselves.

Pragmas are specified with %% in column 1 and the pragma name immediately following. Any arguments aer supplied after a colon, like this:

%%foo: bar baz

This invokes the foo pragma with the argument bar baz.


Any pragma that's otherwise unrecognized by simple_scan is treated as a substitution. Substitutions assume that you have a name and a set of strings following it; these strings wil be substituted into the test specs occuring between this (set) of substitutions and the next (set).

Here's an example.

%% user dconway chromatic petdance
%% use_perl_id Ovid pemungkah<user><use_perl_id>/journal/

This would fetch the CPAN index page for the users dconway, chromatic, and petdance, and the use.perl journals for users Ovid and pemungkah. Finally, it would (just once) fetch the Yahoo! search page - because there are no substitutions in that line, it would only be evaluated once.

The substitutions can occur anywhere in the line, including in the comment.

This pragma allows for very simple-minded internationalization. For instance, let's assume that you want to substitute each of a list of two-character country codes into a string (most likely somewhere in the URL, but possibly in the comment too).

simple_scan will do this for you, creating a test for each country code you specify. For instance:

%%xx: es au my jp
http://>xx<     /blargh/  Y  look for blargh (>xx<)

This would generate 4 tests, for,, c<>, and, all looking to match blargh somewhere on the page.


The agent pragma allows you to switch user agents during the test. Test::WWW::Simple's default is Windows IE 6, but you can switch it to any of the other user agents supported by WWW::Mechanize. /Explorer/ Y Should be Explorer
%%agent: Mac Safari /Safari/ Y Should be Safari


The cache pragma turns on URL caching; once enabled, the page returned on the first access to a URL is returned directly from a memory cache, without its being reaccessed from the Web.

Using cache can result in major speedups for tests which repeatedly hit the same page.


The nocache pragma turns off URL caching; this is useful if you have something like a REST interface that may return different values from repeated accesses to the same URL.


Joe McMahon <>


Copyright (c) 2005 by Yahoo!

This script is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.