use Test::More tests=>3;
@output = `bin/simple_scan --gen --warn <examples/ss_garbage1.in`;
@expected = map {"$_\n"} split /\n/,<<EOF;
use Test::More tests=>0;
use Test::WWW::Simple;
use strict;
my \@accent;
# This is a file of garbage.
# Possible syntax error in this test spec
# None of this is a valid test.
# Possible syntax error in this test spec
# All of it will be skipped.
# Possible syntax error in this test spec
# No tests will be generated.
# Possible syntax error in this test spec
push @expected, "\n";
eq_or_diff(\@output, \@expected, "working output as expected");
$app = new App::SimpleScan;
@output = map {"$_\n"} (split /\n/, ($app->create_tests));
@expected = map {"$_\n"} split /\n/,<<EOF;
use Test::More tests=>1;
use Test::WWW::Simple;
use strict;
my \@accent;
page_like "http://perl.org/",
"Garbage lines were ignored [http://perl.org/] [/perl/ should match]";
eq_or_diff(\@output, \@expected, "output as expected");
@output = `bin/simple_scan<examples/ss_garbage2.in`;
@expected = map {"$_\n"} split /\n/,<<EOF;
ok 1 - Garbage lines were ignored [http://perl.org/] [/perl/ should match]
eq_or_diff(\@output, \@expected, "ran as expected");