simple_scan - scan a set of Web pages for strings present/absent


App::SimpleScan - Mini-language for website testing


simple_scan [--generate] [--run] 
            [--define key="value value ..." ] [--override] [--defer]
            {file file file ...}


# Run the tests in the files supplied on the command line.
# --run (or -run; we're flexible) is assumed if you give no switches.
% simple_scan file1 file2 file3

# Generate a set of tests and save them, then run them.
% <complex pipe> | simple_scan --generate > pipe_scan.t

# Run one simple test
% echo " yahoo Y Look for"  | simple_scan -run


simple_scan is an extensible "little language" for static web page testing. It allows you to define tests in terms of test specs (which tell simple_scan where to go and what to look for there) and pragmas (which define string substitutions, or alter the way that simple_scan runs its tests).

simple_scan is designed to be easy to use. If you know where your page is (what URL) and can write a basic regular expression to match text on that page, you can use simple_scan.

simple_scan itself is based on a pluggable Perl class; more sophisticated users can install plugins to extend the language itself, or even the command-line options that the simple_scan command accepts.

Low-level access to web pages is done via WWW::Mechanize::Pluggable and Test::WWW::Simple, so it's even possible to build new methods to access your data into the language by writing plugins for Mech and simple_scan.

simple_scan is meant to be a simple web testing language, so it doesn't implement any control structures. You declare what tests are to be run, and simple_scan then runs them all, telling you at the end which tests passed and which didn't. It uses TAP (Test Anything Protocol) to report on the tests, meaning that any Test::Harness-based program can read and interpret the output.


simple_scan reads either files supplied on the command line, or standard input. It creates and runs, or prints, or even both, a Test::WWW::Simple test for the criteria supplied to it.

simple_scantest specs should be in the following format, starting in column 1:

<URL> <pattern> <Y|N> <comment>

The URL is any URL; pattern is a Perl regular expression, delimited by slashes; Y|N is Y if the pattern should match, or N if the pattern should not match; and comment is any arbitrary text you like (as long as it's all on the same line as everything else).

simple_scanwill do its best to try to interpret your pattern; if it can't parse it as a regular expression, it will assume you meant to match against a literal character string instead; so a pattern like


would be interpreted as the literal string "<b>this</b>".


We use Getopt::Long to get the command-line options, so we're really very flexible as to how they're entered. You can use either one dash (as in -foo) or two (as in --bar). You only need to enter the minimum number or characters to match a given switch.


--run tells simple_scan to immediately run the tests it's created. Can be abbreviated to -r.

This option is mosst useful for one-shot tests that you're not planning to run repeatedly.


--generate tells simple_scan to print the test it's generated on the standard output.

This option is useful to build up a test suite to be reused later.

Both -r and -g can be specified at the same time to run a test and print it simultaneously; this is useful when you want to save a test to be run later as well as right now without having to regenerate the test.


--define allows you to predefine substitutions to be used during a simple_scan run. To define a substitution, use this syntax:

--define foo=bar --define baz="one two three"

The first example defines a single substitution; the second defines a multiple substitution. In conjunction with --override, --define can make simple_scan ignore any definitions for variables in the simple_scan input file. Conversely, if --defer is specified, any definitions on the command line will be altered if a definition for the variable is found in the input file.

Note that %%forget can still make simple_scan forget a definition (if App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Forget is installed).

Also note that you define a variable with multiple values like this:

--define foo="bar baz quux"

but not like this:

--define foo=bar --define foo=baz --define foo=quux

since multiple definitions of a single substitution use only the last substitution defined; the example directly above (with the three "--define" entries) defines "foo" as "quux" and only as "quux".


Makes any definitions entered on the command line override definitions found in the input file.


Makes any definitions entered on the command line defer to defintions found in the input file - the variables in question will be redefined by the command file.


Enables debugging for you simple_scan input file; this outputs a lot of extra code which, when executed by simple_scan --run, shows a lot more information as to what actually happened.

Currently, the only extra debugging information is a list of variables which were not altered by substitution pragmas when --override was specified on the command line.


Causes simple_scan to output code that gives you warnings (via diag()) in the run file about syntax errors, etc.


Tells simple_scan to not set up a default user agent. Some applications (e.g., mobile applications) actually go into a debug mode when talking to a detectable (known) browser. This turns off simple_scan's assumption that you want to look like a browser.


Turns on caching immediately, whether or not the input file specifies %%cache or not. Note that a %%nocache in the input file will turn caching off again.


Turns on status reporting. Sometimes simple_scan takes a while to run (especially if you've defined a lot of variables). This causes it to pop out a new status message as each input line is processed.


Pragmas are ways to influence what simple_scan does when generating tests. They are specified with %% in column 1 and the pragma name immediately following. Any arguments are supplied after a colon, like this:

%%foo: bar baz

This invokes the foo pragma with the argument bar baz. If you're really lazy, you can even leave out the colon.


Any pragma that's otherwise unrecognized by simple_scan is treated as a substitution. Substitutions assume that you have a name and a set of strings following it; these strings wil be substituted into the test specs occuring between this set of substitutions and the next set. Any variables not redefined will continue to have their old values.

Here's a basic example.

%% user dconway chromatic petdance
%% use_perl_id Ovid pemungkah<user><use_perl_id>/journal/

This would fetch the CPAN index page for the users dconway, chromatic, and petdance, and the use.perl journals for users Ovid and pemungkah. Finally, it would (just once) fetch the Yahoo! search page - because there are no substitutions in that line, it would only be evaluated once.

Substitutions can occur anywhere in the line, including in the comment.

Here's another example: internationalization. For instance, let's assume that you want to substitute each of a list of two-character country codes into a string (most likely somewhere in the URL, but possibly in the comment too).

simple_scan will do this for you, creating a test for each country code you specify. For instance:

%%xx: es au my jp
http://<xx>     /blargh/  Y  look for blargh (<xx>)

This would generate 4 tests, for,, c<>, and, all looking to match blargh somewhere on the page.

Multiple substitutions in a single line

If you define multiple variables and use them in a test spec, simple_scan will create all of the unique combinations of the values and substitute them into your test spec. For example:

%%foo bar baz %%quux zorch thud http://<foo><quux> /Search found/ Y check <quux> search

would generate all four alternatives and run tests for each one: /Search found/ Y check zorch search /Search found/ Y check zorch search /Search found/ Y check thud search /Search found/ Y check thud search

This makes it very easy to generate many tests from very few input lines.

Nested substitutions

Substitutions can also reference other substitutions, so something like this is also possible:

%%mirror blonk whiz thud crunch %%welcome_msg 'Welcome to <mirror>' http://<mirror> /<welcome_msg>/ Y <mirror> welcome

When the test spec is expanded, the string 'Welcome to <mirror>' is substituted in first, then the test spec is expanded again to create a test for each one of the mirrors.

Note that at present, checking for circular substitutions is not yet complete; if you write something like this:

%%foo <bar> %%bar <foo> http://<foo>.com /check/ Y Infinite loop

simple_scan will substitute "<bar>" for "<foo>, then "<foo>" for "<bar>", and will continue to happily do so until you kill the process. At the moment, try not to do this; we'll have a fix in an upcoming release.

Single-quotes, double-quotes, and backticks

You can use single-quoted strings in substitutions to get exact strings containing spaces or tabs:

%%searchtext 'this one' 'that one' 'another one'

The spaces will be preserved in the values assigned to searchtext.

If you want to eval the contents of a string as if it were Perl code and use that as the value of a substitution, put double quotes around it:

%%language "$ENV{LANGUAGE}"
%%now      "@{[scalar localtime]}"

The first example allows you to pass in a value from the environment variable $LANGUAGE; the second gets the current date and time as a string (so its value would be something like "Tue Feb 14 14:21:56 2006").

Lastly, you can use backticked strings to denote a command to be executed by the shell; the command's output will be used in place of the quoted string.

As an example, if we have the script languages which looks like this:

echo "perl java python ruby"

and the substitution

%%language `languages`

then the values finally assigned to language would be perl java ruby python.

All of the different forms can be mixed on one line, so

%%try `some_command "value one" value2

would set try to the output of some_command, value one, and value2.

Finally, since quoted strings are embedded exactly as provided, it's possible to parameterize your test specs by using environment variables, like this:

%%language $ENV{LANGUAGE}
http://<language>.org/ /language/i Y <language> should be on the page

Now setting the enviroment variable LANGUAGE in your shell to 'perl' will propagate 'perl' into the test spec as the language we're testing for.


There are a few other pragmas defined directly by simple_scan. These are not plugins, but are implemented directly in the code.


The agent pragma allows you to switch user agents during the test. Test::WWW::Simple's default is Windows IE 6, but you can switch it to any of the other user agent aliases supported by WWW::Mechanize. /Explorer/ Y Should be Explorer
%%agent: Mac Safari /Safari/ Y Should be Safari

(Note: actually does tell you what browser you're running, so feel free to try this test yourself.)


The cache pragma turns on URL caching; once enabled, the page returned on the first access to a URL is returned directly from a memory cache, without its being reaccessed from the Web.

Using cache can result in major speedups for tests which repeatedly hit the same page.


The nocache pragma turns off URL caching; this is useful if you have something like a REST interface that may return different values from repeated accesses to the same URL.


simple_scan is extended via plugins in the App::SimpleScan::Plugin namespace. Currently-released plugins:

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Cache - disk-based caching

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Snapshot - HTML snapshots of tests

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Plaintext - check un-marked-up page text

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Retry - retries HTTP failures

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::LinkCheck - link counting/presence/absence

  • App::SimpleScan::Plugin::Forget - discard a substitution

    Read the documentation for these plugin classes for information on pragmas and/or command-line options that they provide.


Substitutions, especially when there are large numbers of variables with multiple values, are slow. (Welcome to the world of combinatory explosion.) A future release should use the dependency tree we're going to need anyway to detect circular references to eliminate variables that cannot possibly be substituted into the current string, thereby decreasing the load on the combination checker.


Joe McMahon <>


Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Yahoo!

This script is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.