#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = "0.01";
=head1 NAME
PostScript::Simple::EPS - EPS support for PostScript::Simple
use PostScript::Simple;
# create a new PostScript object
$p = new PostScript::Simple(papersize => "A4",
colour => 1,
units => "in");
# create a new page
# add an eps file
$p->add_eps({xsize => 3}, "test.eps", 1,1);
$p->add_eps({yscale => 1.1, xscale => 1.8}, "test.eps", 4,8);
# create an eps object
$e = new PostScript::Simple::EPS(file => "test.eps");
$p->add_eps($e, 3, 3); # add eps object to postscript object
$p->add_eps($e, 2, 5); # add eps object to postscript object again
# write the output to a file
PostScript::Simple::EPS allows you to add EPS files into PostScript::Simple
objects. Included EPS files can be scaled and rotated, and placed anywhere
inside a PostScript::Simple page.
This module requires C<PostScript::Simple>, C<strict>, C<Carp> and C<Exporter>.
=head2 EXPORT
=over 4
=item C<new(options)>
Create a new PostScript::Simple::EPS object. The options
that can be set are:
=over 4
=item file
EPS file to be included. This must exist when the C<new> method is called.
=item clip
Set to 0 to disable clipping to the EPS bounding box. Default is to clip.
$ps = new PostScript::Simple(landscape => 1,
eps => 0,
xsize => 4,
ysize => 3,
units => "in");
$eps = new PostScript::Simple::EPS(file => "test.eps");
Scale the EPS file by x0.5 in both directions.
$ps->importeps($eps, 1, 1);
Add the EPS file to the PostScript document at coords (1,1).
$ps->importepsfile("another.eps", 1, 2, 4, 4);
Easily add an EPS file to the PostScript document using bounding box (1,2),(4,4).
The methods C<importeps> and C<importepsfile> are described in the documentation
of C<PostScript::Simple>.
sub new# {{{
my ($class, %data) = @_;
my $self = {
file => undef, # filename of the eps file
xsize => undef,
ysize => undef,
units => "bp", # measuring units (see below)
clip => 1, # clip to the bounding box
bbx1 => 0, # Bounding Box definitions
bby1 => 0,
bbx2 => 0,
bby2 => 0,
epsprefix => [],
epsfile => undef,
epspostfix => [],
foreach (keys %data)
$self->{$_} = $data{$_};
croak "must provide file" if (!defined $self->{"file"});
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
}# }}}
sub init# {{{
my $self = shift;
my $foundbbx = 0;
open EPS, "< $$self{file}" || croak "can't open eps file $$self{file}";
SCAN: while (<EPS>)
if (/^\%\%BoundingBox:\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)$/)
$$self{bbx1} = $1;
$$self{bby1} = $2;
$$self{bbx2} = $3;
$$self{bby2} = $4;
$foundbbx = 1;
last SCAN;
close EPS;
croak "EPS file must contain a BoundingBox" if (!$foundbbx);
if (($$self{bbx2} - $$self{bbx1} == 0) ||
($$self{bby2} - $$self{bby1} == 0)) {
$self->_error("PostScript::Simple::EPS: Bounding Box has zero dimension");
return 0;
}# }}}
All object methods return 1 for success or 0 in some error condition
(e.g. insufficient arguments). Error message text is also drawn on
the page.
=over 4
=item C<get_bbox>
Returns the EPS bounding box, as specified on the %%BoundingBox line
of the EPS file. Units are standard PostScript points.
($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $eps->get_bbox();
sub get_bbox# {{{
my $self = shift;
return ($$self{bbx1}, $$self{bby1}, $$self{bbx2}, $$self{bby2});
}# }}}
=item C<scale(x, y)>
Scales the EPS file. To scale in one direction only, specify 1 as the
other scale. To scale the EPS file the same in both directions, you
may use the shortcut of just specifying the one value.
$eps->scale(1.2, 0.8); # make wider and shorter
$eps->scale(0.5); # shrink to half size
sub scale# {{{
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$y = $x if (!defined $y);
croak "bad arguments to scale" if (!defined $x);
push @{$$self{epsprefix}}, "$x $y scale";
return 1;
}# }}}
=item C<rotate(deg)>
Rotates the EPS file by C<deg> degrees anti-clockwise. The EPS file is rotated
about it's own origin (as defined by it's bounding box). To rotate by a particular
co-ordinate (again, relative to the EPS file, not the main PostScript document),
use translate, too.
$eps->rotate(180); # turn upside-down
To rotate 30 degrees about point (50,50):
$eps->translate(50, 50);
$eps->translate(-50, -50);
sub rotate# {{{
my $self = shift;
my ($d) = @_;
croak "bad arguments to rotate" if (!defined $d);
push @{$$self{epsprefix}}, "$d rotate";
return 1;
}# }}}
=item C<translate(x, y)>
Move the EPS file by C<x>,C<y> PostScript points.
$eps->translate(10, 10); # move 10 points in both directions
sub translate# {{{
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
croak "bad arguments to translate" if (!defined $y);
push @{$$self{epsprefix}}, "$x $y translate";
return 1;
}# }}}
=item C<reset>
Clear all translate, rotate and scale operations.
sub reset# {{{
my $self = shift;
@{$$self{"epsprefix"}} = ();
return 1;
}# }}}
=item C<load>
Reads the EPS file into memory, to save reading it from file each time if
inserted many times into a document. Can not be used with C<preload>.
sub load# {{{
my $self = shift;
local *EPS;
return 1 if (defined $$self{"epsfile"});
$$self{"epsfile"} = "\%\%BeginDocument: $$self{file}\n";
open EPS, "< $$self{file}" || croak "can't open eps file $$self{file}";
while (<EPS>)
$$self{"epsfile"} .= $_;
close EPS;
$$self{"epsfile"} .= "\%\%EndDocument\n";
return 1;
}# }}}
=item C<preload(object)>
Experimental: defines the EPS at in the document prolog, and just runs a
command to insert it each time it is used. C<object> is a PostScript::Simple
object. If the EPS file is included more than once in the PostScript file then
this will probably shrink the filesize quite a lot.
Can not be used at the same time as C<load>.
$p = new PostScript::Simple();
$e = new PostScript::Simple::EPS(file => "test.eps");
sub preload# {{{
my $self = shift;
my $ps = shift;
my $randcode = "";
croak "already loaded" if (defined $$self{"epsfile"});
croak "no PostScript::Simple module provided" if (!defined $ps);
for my $i (0..7)
$randcode .= chr(int(rand()*26)+65); # yuk
$$self{"epsfile"} = "eps$randcode\n";
$$ps{"psprolog"} .= "/eps$randcode {\n";
$$ps{"psprolog"} .= "\%\%BeginDocument: $$self{file}\n";
open EPS, "< $$self{file}" || croak "can't open eps file $$self{file}";
while (<EPS>)
$$ps{"psprolog"} .= $_;
close EPS;
$$ps{"psprolog"} .= "\%\%EndDocument\n";
$$ps{"psprolog"} .= "} def\n";
return 1;
}# }}}
sub _get_include_data# {{{
my $self = shift;
my ($x, $y) = @_;
my $data = "";
croak "argh... internal error (incorrect arguments)" if (scalar @_ != 2);
foreach my $line (@{$$self{"epsprefix"}}) {
$data .= "$line\n";
if ($$self{"clip"}) {
$data .= "newpath $$self{bbx1} $$self{bby1} moveto
$$self{bbx2} $$self{bby1} lineto $$self{bbx2} $$self{bby2} lineto
$$self{bbx1} $$self{bby2} lineto closepath clip\n";
if (defined $$self{"epsfile"}) {
$data .= $$self{"epsfile"};
} else {
$data .= "\%\%BeginDocument: $$self{file}\n";
open EPS, "< $$self{file}" || croak "can't open eps file $$self{file}";
while (<EPS>) {
$data .= $_;
close EPS;
$data .= "\%\%EndDocument\n";
foreach my $line (@{$$self{"epspostfix"}}) {
$data .= "$line\n";
return $data;
}# }}}
sub _error {# {{{
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
$self->{pspages} .= "(error: $msg\n) print flush\n";
}# }}}
=head1 BUGS
This is software in development; some current functionality may not be as
expected, and/or may not work correctly.
=head1 AUTHOR
The PostScript::Simple::EPS module was written by Matthew Newton, after prods
for such a feature from several people around the world. A useful importeps
function that provides scaling and aspect ratio operations was gratefully
received from Glen Harris, and merged into this module.
=head1 SEE ALSO
# vim:foldmethod=marker: